Girlfriend's vaginal odor. Not sure if natural or infected?!


Girlfriend's vaginal odor. Not sure if natural or infected?

My girlfriend and I are not sexually active. We have never had sex and we believe in abstinence until married. However we do a few small things such as petting and physical things. No oral either. She is the only one i've done things like this with and i'm the only one for her also. Well I noticed my hand kinda has a slight fishy smell, not terrible but slight, after we have done a few things. I know this could be a sign of BV but to me that gets ruled out because:
-She is an extreme hygiene freak. Stays very clean
-She eats extremely healthy and drinks lots of water(salads, lean chicken, etc.)
-She's not sexually active(and i've read that BV is extremely rare if one is not active)
-She does not douche
-She stays very fit(running every day, she dances alot, and weighs merely around 115)

To me all this rules out BV so is it maybe just her natural odor?


It can be both.

Natural vagina secretion does have some smell. It is hard to describe, but it is not too strong for most part. The smell typically is from the normal bacteria in the vagina plus her own hormone. If it is natural, nothing need to be done. Douching is a bad idea, since it takes away the good bacteria in there and causes bad bacteria to take over.

It can also be from infection. Yeast infection is less likely, since yeast infection tend to cause whitish cheese discharge - surely she would notice that. Fish clear discharge can be from bacterial infection - not STD. Women can get bacterial vaginitis (BV) without having sex. Being healthy, keeping it clean, not douching do not necessarily prevent bacterail vaginitis.

The best thing to do is for her to see her gynecologist and have it checked out. If it is bacterial infection, it can easily be treated with pills. If it is natural, you both will feel safer.

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