How Can I cope with My Asthma?!

Question: How Can I cope with My Asthma?
What are some ways that I can better live with my asthma? What are some home remedies that I can use to help with my wheezing, to help with my shortness of breath? I know of other celebrities that have Asthma like Lindsay Lohan, and Dennis Rodman and they are so active with their asthma and I want to be like that too but I don't know what they are doing to live with their asthma to be energetic like they are. I want to be energetic like that too with my asthma so does anyone have any tips on how I can live with my asthma and be back to my old energetic self?


Coping with asthma is one thing, becoming an expert about your condition is another. The more you and your loved ones know about asthma, the easier it'll be for you ( and them) to cope..and who knows, with perseverance, you could even outrun Lindsay Lohan and Dennis Rodman :) Anyway, here are other measures I would suggest:

* 'Partner' with a doctor you can work with, one that you feel can treat you as a person FIRST, rather than just somebody with an asthma condition....this will help a lot to achieve the best control of the illness.

* Use asthma medications correctly. You'd be surprised to know so many asthma patients aren't taking their meds correctly or on schedule as advised.

* Be aware of the symptoms of an asthma attack before you have a full blown attack. Always keep a quick-relief medicine prescribed by your doctor. That said, take note that some of these quick relief meds are also used before any physical activity as a measure of prevention rather than cure e.g athletes

* Regularly monitor your asthma condition by using a peak flow meter.

* At home, control the presence of factors that maybe triggering your asthma such dust mites, cats , cigarette smokes etc

* Exercise regularly. If asthma attacks are limiting physical activity, ask your doctor for suggestions on how to fit the right exercise program for your condition.

I hope this helps. With persistence and perseverance, i'm sure you will manage better :)

my own medical knowledge, both theoretical and practical, from more than 10 years of studying medicine

Lose weight, Exercise, eat a high vegetable diet, and drink coffee. You do of course have to use your asthma medications while using home remedies. Until you start to improve.

People with asthma are not restricted as to what sport the wish to play.

Well, Lindsay Lohan & Dennis Rodman are not the best spokespeople for asthma because both are heavy smokers and have criminal record !! Remember there was a news that Lohan was hospitalized after partying too much because of an asthma attack. She was smoking cigarettes !!

I was born with asthma and I am 30 years old now. I can tell right off the bat that I would have an asthma attack the next day when I have colds and a sore throat. What I would do is to eat peeled raw ginger and drink water with squeezed lemon juice (no sugar). I know raw ginger is very spicy but it helps me a lot. It is very beneficial and has been used for medicinal purposes for many centuries.

As far as being active, asthma sufferers can't run in a marathon nor can they engage in heavy strenuous exercises. You can do yoga, bike riding, bowling or any other less strenuous exercise.
You must also avoid going to bars or clubs because the atmosphere of such places are filled with cigarette smoke that isn't good for our lungs as well as our hearts.

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