deviated septum question........?!

Question: Deviated septum question........?
I believe I may have a deviated septum. I believe the cause was genetics.

How serious is this?

Also how about the cost?
I have medicaid im 18

I do notice that when breathing through my nose it feels blocked or im not breathing in as much I could.

ive also begun to recently snore about a year now. It could possibly be a combination of my nose and my unhealthy slightly overweight body. I should be 180 but im 200

so any help here?


I have a deviated septum and am around your age. It's not really serious unless it's causing severe breathing issues, which it doesn't sound like it is. Yes, it's uncomfortable but doesn't usually pose any risk. The snoring is probably related to both. And yes, that is exactly what it feels like to have a deviated septum. My mother recently told me that there is a way to have it corrected through insurance, but I am not sure about medicaid. I would look up the nam of the procedure and call medicaid and ask. That's the easiest way to find out the price of correcting it. Good luck!


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