Is animal liver high in cholesterol?!

Question: Is animal liver high in cholesterol?
my cholesterol is high, can I still eat animal liver?


As Red Angel said, the amount of cholesterol in the food you eat is irrelevant because your body digests it all into free fatty acids exactly the same way it digests other fats that you eat. Your body then goes on to put the free fatty acids back together as either triglycerides or cholesterol, which to a certain degree are both essential for proper body function. Your body has an inherited tendency to take those free fatty acids and make more cholesterol than it needs. The only way to fight this is to cut down on the types of fats in your diet which contain the long-chain fatty acids which seem to be most detrimental as far as causing blockage of your arteries. Fats from mammals and birds seems to contain the highest amounts of these (this includes their milk-fat as well as egg yolks). Fats from fish and vegetable sources, on the other hand, tend to have very low levels of long-chain fatty acids. That's why some of the fattiest fishes (salmon, eel, mackerel, trout, etc.) are some of the healthiest for you.
Similarly, shellfish such as shrimp and lobster used to be on every dietitian's "don't eat" list because they contain high levels of cholesterol, which is true, but what's more important is that the cholesterol is almost the only fat that they DO contain, so overall they are very low in fat, and thus very healthy for people with cholesterol problems.

I am a physician with over 18 years of experience.

I guess this makes me the third person to say that cholesterol consumed from outside sources has no impact on the cholesterol in the body.

I will expand, though, that the liver manufactures all of the cholesterol that we need, and given the proper environment, it will never produce anything that is harmful to itself.

That being said, since the body produces the so-called "bad" cholesterol, there must be a reason for it. First of all, there is no such thing as "bad" cholesterol. This is a term capitalized by the drug companies to sell their products which, in many cases are more toxic and deadly than the disease they're intended to cure.

The reason for the rise of cholesterol in the blood is because of unintentional dehydration.

One of salt's important functions is to remove toxins from the cells, and one of water's important functions is to deliver nutrients and flush the toxins away from the cells. When you become dehydrated, the blood thickens and becomes acidic with toxins.

As the toxic blood passes through the lungs, it becomes even more dehydrated because the process of respiration removes more water. By the time the acidic blood gets pumped through the arteries, it is under a shearing pressure, creating damage to the artery walls in the form of tiny tears and abrasions.

To prevent these from peeling away and causing an embolism in the brain or other major organ, the liver produces the so-called "bad" cholesterol to cover and protect these damaged areas until repairs can be made.

Unfortunately, the medical profession refuses to recognize dehydration on this level where health problems originate, and so dehydration continues to damage the arteries with acidic blood, signaling the liver to produce more and more cholesterol.

It should be pointed out that tests for cholesterol are made from blood taken from the veins. Yet, there has never been a case where cholesterol has built up and obstructed the veins. If the theories about "bad" cholesterol were valid, cholesterol should block the much smaller veins where the blood flow is much slower. If "bad" cholesterol is the problem in the larger arteries, it should be a bigger problem in the veins.

Click below to learn how to correct your dehydration so that the excess cholesterol can be flushed out.

Dietary intake of cholesterol has no impact on the level of cholesterol in your blood. Cholesterol is made in the liver and essential for life. Inflammation and oxidative stress is what you need to worry about...not cholesterol. >>>……


You should reduced animal meat altogether.Liver is very bad for people with Uric Acid problem. Cholesterol rich foods are mainly Animal Fat, Full Fat Milk, Egg Yolk...etc.

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