Can you reinfect someone with herpes?!


Can you reinfect someone with herpes?

Ok, so I have genital herpes, and contracted them through oral sex from my boyfriend's cold sore.
I look everywhere and even asked my doctor, and can't get the same answer. I'm wondering, since we both have the same virus type, can I reinfect his genitals even though he already has the original virus in the form of cold sores? (Basically, would that part of him now be somewhat immune to it?) And also, since I have it down there can I still contract a cold sore from him?
Thank you for any help


It is so completely untrue that HSV I (oral type)becomes HSV II (genital type) in the genital area. HSV I is typically found on the mouth and HSV II is typically found on the genitals. However, these are two different strands and both can infect both places. You can be tested to find out which type you have. As for immunity, you both will always be carriers of the virus. But you also both have the antibodies against whichever type this is. This means that you might be less likely to give new outbreaks to each other. However, there is no guarantee. There is always a chance that you could spread the virus to his genitals.

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