Anal itching and pin worms? Help?!?!

Question: Anal itching and pin worms? Help?!?
I am a female in highschool and recently in the last two days my anal area inside and out is very itchy and i can feel the irritation when i move. I feel it most during the end of the day. I do not have std's and whatnot.
I have heard about pin worms... and i am going to do the test early in the morning with the tape.

What is the tape suposed to look like if i have pin worms?
What do pin worms look like ?
What do most people get it from?
How do i stop the itching? any remedies?
Do i have pin worms or something different?

Thankyooooouuuu soo veryyy muchhhhh for helping!



hello, i am 15 & i have had this. despite what the guy below me said, it is very easy to get them and its not only from being "dirty". you can get them from sharing drinks with someone who has them, just sleeping over at a friends in the same bed (it has happened) or say them/a little kid who has it scratches their bum (because it is itchy) and then touches something. then you touch that and your hand goes in your mouth. taa-daaa. this may sound wrong, but you can just go in front of a mirror, bend over and look at ur bum. if its really bad you may see little white worms. they can even be in your stool. it will gross you out. they can be cured easily by your doctor. but its better to go now and get looked at rather than later when its really bad. pin worms are extremely uncomfortable.

You do not have pin worms, that is very rare! What you have is hemorrhoid's, this happens when you strain a lot when you are having a bowel movement. It can cause itching, bleeding and or pain. You can get an over the counter hemorrhoid ointment such as preparation H. Here is a web link to learn more about it.…

I is very unlikely to have pinworms at your age unless you are living in extremely filthy conditions. Otherwise, the likely explanation is slight hemorrhoids due to hard stools or constipation. This type of hemorrhoids, especially at your age, is usually reversible by improving diet.

You could have hemrrhoids. Sometimes a little liquid will leak out (feels kind of juicy down there) because the hemrrhoids are keeping the anus from closing completely. It also is very itchy. If this is what you have, just get some Preperation H. Very common.

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