Gallbladder Ultrasound was ok, Gallbladder function was not ok?!


Gallbladder Ultrasound was ok, Gallbladder function was not ok?

Ive had 2 ultrasounds done on my gallbladder and they say its fine, but i had a Hida scan done which is a test to check the function of the gallbladder and the doc told me it at only 8% function what does this mean, wouldnt it show on the ultrasound if this organ is damaged? i also had all my blood checked for liver, pancreas, kidneys, and more and all came out negative meaning good. could the gallbladder just done function right for no reason?

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3 weeks ago
thanks guys, hey lore they did do that test which is called a heida scan with the dye on your vains, and thats what showed its only working at 8% so this means its got to comeout my doc told me .. are you living well without it? what are the after effects of no gallbladder?


I ha my gallbladder removed in 1982. Nothing showed up on my ultra sound either .They put some dye through to the gallbladder and found I didn't have stones but my gallbladder was deceased .and non functinal.So it was removed
ask your dr. about having the dye put through it is put in through the arm .They should see just what is happening with your gallbladder. Good luck .

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