Is this a sign of dehydration?!

Question: Is this a sign of dehydration?
I have a headache from 1 to 10 it hurts about 2 or 3. And I feel lightheaded. Sometimes when I move around I feel dizzy. I went to the doctor today. And they said my urine had a infection and a little bit of dehydration. But I'm not sure. If they say that when will I recover and go back to normal. Yesterday was the worst for me. Gave me full details. |Will I go to normal again?, am I at less dehydrated?|

Thanks a lot again! (:


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It sounds like your doctor is pretty sure you'll get back to normal, so don't worry. Infection and dehydration are both very treatable conditions. I'm sure they gave you something for the infection, like antibiotics (And it they didn't, I'm guessing it is something that will heal itself.) and as for dehydration, that is something you can completely turn around in the course of a couple days. Take your weight in pounds, and simply change that number to ounces of water you should be drinking. For example, if I weigh 135 pounds then I would drink 135 ounces of water per day. That is the healthy amount, and if you drink at least that much you should feel a lot better. Good luck and drink up :)

Dizzy and light headed? Yup, those can be dehydration symptoms. If you also have a urine infection, that can add to the problem as well. Get plenty of rest, drink some extra fluids (especially water), and be extra diligent about going to the restroom and emptying your bladder. If you empty your bladder more often during an infection, that (along with increasing fluid intake) can help with the symptoms. Also, if your Dr. gave you any medication, be sure to take it when told and not miss any doses. That goes a LONG way in helping an infection clear up.

Good luck.

OK, When you get up in the morning, drink at least half a liter of juice or water, this will fend off the headaches for a while, make sure that every chance you get, you drink water and other fluids.
Wear a hat, and sunglasses if you can, also wear sunscreen, Nobody can see it, so you won't look like a tool, and it will stop the sun from drying you out, which makes you loose precious water.
Also, try not to drink coke or other dehydrating things. And yeah, you will get better, just follow these steps for the next few weeks and make sure to use common sense :)

If your not drinking fluid either it be water, tea coffee, kool aid or what. About 8 oz to 16 every hour. You will dehydrate yourself. Your urine will darken from clear, to a bright yellow to a dark rich yellow. Taking to much a certain vitamin will show as well in your urine. Now some don't drink much water and their urine will darken much more. For a girl, it is more important to drink water and fluids so that you don't get an infection. For guys it not much of a problem, but it still can happen. Safe side, drink enough fluids so that you at least go #1 about once every two to three hours.

Temperature of the water and your surroundings. can play in how soon you will go #1 again.

I get dizzy when I get dehydrated. You should keep a bottle of water with you at all times and drink it throughout the day. There is a new calculation to figure out how much water you should be drinking each day. I can't remember it, but maybe you can find it online. Your body needs lots of water to function in every way so you have to stay hydrated in order to feel good and function well.

yes, maybe. dehydration can cause light headaches..
try drinking more water and resting. staying in front of bright screens can also be a common cause of headaches so watch out for that... hope i helped! :)

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