How to know if you have sunburn?!

Question: How to know if you have sunburn?
I went to the beach today and wore 50 SPF sunscreen. Well it was horrible because I still got red. I think it might be sunburn; I've never gotten one before. It hurts a liiiitle bit, but can it get worse? Will it peel? I'm scared.


Usually after a day or so, the skin will get red, painful, and sensitive to touch. After a couple of days it'll start peeling.

Same happens with me always. I can't tan, since I'm too fair and my skin is just sensitive to sun. Even if I wear a sunblock I still burn if I stay in the sun too long.

Actually you should take every precaution possible because there are stories of a man in southern Cuba who went suntanning and the next day he had these green boils allover his skin called acktinovus-trenovar commonly known as bug warts. Anyways these bug warts break open after 6-7 days and they release this green goop and it is basically the acid from the inside of your stomach being sucked out of you and this causes insaulmnia and in about 70-80 years death.

your symptoms indicate something much much worse than a sunburn. Please see a doctor ASAP!

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