HPV! Chances that my boyfriend contracted it from me.?!

Question: HPV! Chances that my boyfriend contracted it from me.?
Just yesterday I was diagnosed with low risk HPV type 6,
my boyfriend and I had sex last week,
and I didn't know that I had anything. What are the chances of him contracting the disease from me? & yes we used a condom, however when we have foreplay we umm... grind against each other- From our genitals touching did I give him HPV? I'm so ashamed, embarressed, and guilty and I do plan on telling him but I need to know the chances that he contracted it.


You probably acquired the virus a few weeks or months ago. You are most contagious a few weeks before you showed signs of the virus.. After removing the virus signs you still may share your HPV type. Removing the wart does not remove the virus.

The chance of acquiring the virus with the first time you have sex with someone when your virus is active is about 65%. If you engaged in sex with the guy in the last few months he probably has acquired your HPV type.

One question for you how do you know 100% that you have HPV type 6? Most doctors do not do specific HPV type testing. However they will say you probably have HPV type either 6 or 11...because these two HPV types cause most all external genital warts. Some people with visible warts do have a co-infection with other HPV types.

The virus is contagious even with consistent use of condom....less contagious but there is lots of contact with the base of his penis and your vulva...the warts are probably on your vulva...where contact could have been made.

He most probably shares your HPV types or types...he may never show a visible wart...many men and women that acquire HPV never show any signs or symptoms. He may have already been exposed to your HPV type. If she he can't get that same type again...he could show visible warts years after acquring the virus...and he could share his HPV type with a new sex partner. Same with you, you will not acquire the same HPV type again...you may never show signs of the virus again...but you could...and you could acquire other HPV types with a new sex partner. Many men and women have multiple HPV types.
Your partner shares your HPV type. You will not ping pong the virus back and forth once both of you reach an immunity to your HPV type.

Available therapies for genital warts likely reduce, but probably do not eradicate, HPV infectivity. Whether the reduction in HPV viral DNA resulting from treatment reduces future transmission remains unclear

The exact risk of developing genital warts after having one episode of sexual intercourse with someone who has genital warts is not known, but several studies would appear to establish a risk in the range of 65% or more.

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