Can allergies cause breathing problems ?!

Question: Can allergies cause breathing problems ?
Through the mouth and nose ? Doc said I got anxiety and allergies but I think allergies is gettin me cuz i got sinus headaches when i wake up, stopped up nose and im having some trouble im not getting enough air. I saw 3 doctors and all of them said my lung sound great and my oxygen levels are to the max.
I guess I'm getting scared because I have never had breathing problems before and it's scaring me :(.
Help ? What are some good meds for allergies?


yes allergies can cause breathing problems, you need to seek doctors help and get a prescription

i have allergies

Medications isn't the best answer; eating healthy, exercising regularly can be the answer your looking for. Don't take medications unless told so by your doctor. If you have seen 3 doctors already and they all say the same thing then your lungs are doing ok.

Using nasal strips might open your nose up more. Using medications such as benadryl or buckly's might help or even halls or fisherman's friends. Each group has different categories of sickness relief. Get tested to see if your allergic to anything such as pollen or food. Even though you claim u have allergies you need to buy something for that allergy. Asthma is controllable and could be something as small as an inhaler.

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