I have eaten nearl a whole pack of chocolate biscuits tonight.?!

Question: I know I should not have. Do you think I can be excused for this weakness just this once.
My husband was rushed into hospital this morning because he vomited lots and lots of blood. He has had a vein explode and had to have it tied. Also his stomach lining had to be bound at the top to stop the bleeding.
It came on suddenly.He doesn't drink never has. He has liver problems and blood platelet problems. So it was a shock.
I took refuge in these biscuits.

Now I feel as if I am just a greedy pig. But I can see how people eat wrong foods for comfort. He is 71

Answers: I know I should not have. Do you think I can be excused for this weakness just this once.
My husband was rushed into hospital this morning because he vomited lots and lots of blood. He has had a vein explode and had to have it tied. Also his stomach lining had to be bound at the top to stop the bleeding.
It came on suddenly.He doesn't drink never has. He has liver problems and blood platelet problems. So it was a shock.
I took refuge in these biscuits.

Now I feel as if I am just a greedy pig. But I can see how people eat wrong foods for comfort. He is 71

If you feel like a greedy pig for eating some chocolate, then I am sorry for you. You didn't steal them, I presume, so there's no shame in it. Hopefully strangers like myself can make it all better by saying it's ok. At least you're not an alcoholic, or even worse, a fascist.

PS- Lots of famous historical figures loved chocolate. William Howard Taft was so large he got stuck in the White House bathtub.

Aww I'm sorry to hear about your husband, hope he's ok. The biscuits are no big deal, comfort eating is nothing to be ashamed of. You just have to be careful that is dosn't become a regular thing. I know that from experience

All the best x

Eat whatever you want, and as much as you want. You don't need a reason, life is short.

Sorry about your husband, hope everything turns out well...

Hi, Sorry to hear about your husband. Hope he recovers soon. As for the biscuits, if it made you feel better why not. Hugs

to hell with the biscuits you go girl comfort eating is good if it makes you feel better!!! hope your hubby gets better stop worrying about what your eating you've got more important things to worry about.. i wish you all the luck in the world xx

Sorry to hear that. Enjoy your comfort food hope your hubby is better soon

Not sounding malicious but forget the chocolate biscuits and go and order a massive chinese or another takeaway. That way you can have breakfast in the morning as well as having a good binge tonight. Go for it xx

oh dear forget about the biscuits I eat packets at a time,
hope hubby gets well soon.

What a traumatic experience, biscuits are the least of your problems, you would be justified in taking refuge in something much stronger and in liquid form.

i wouldnt worry. i eat that much choc too.
by the sounds of it, you needed it last night. you deserve it.
hope hes ok.

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