Lack of appetite! Please help!?!?!?!?!

Question: Hi, lately I have had really bad lack of appetite. I try taking my vitamins and drink ensure whenever I miss my meals, but for some reason everytime I eat, I gag. I can't even eat two tacos cause on the first half I already feel like throwing up. I'm pretty worried because everyone who knows me can tell you that I always eat alot. I mean my nick name used to be Garfield back in the day. And no I'm not pregnant, for those who are wondering...I just had my period two weeks ago. Can anyone help me!

Answers: Hi, lately I have had really bad lack of appetite. I try taking my vitamins and drink ensure whenever I miss my meals, but for some reason everytime I eat, I gag. I can't even eat two tacos cause on the first half I already feel like throwing up. I'm pretty worried because everyone who knows me can tell you that I always eat alot. I mean my nick name used to be Garfield back in the day. And no I'm not pregnant, for those who are wondering...I just had my period two weeks ago. Can anyone help me!

Emotional upset, nervousness, loneliness, boredom, tension, anxiety, bereavement, and depression
Anorexia nervosa
Acute and chronic infections
Pregnancy (first trimester)
Medications and street drugs
Chemotherapeutic agents
Sympathomimetics including ephedrine
Cough and cold preparations

Home Care

Protein and calorie intake can be increased by eating high-calorie, nutritious snacks or several small meals during the day. Liquid protein drinks may be helpful.

Family members should try to supply favorite foods to help stimulate the person's appetite.

You should keep a record of what you eat and drink for 24 hours. This is called a diet history. If a person with anorexia nervosa consistently exaggerates food intake, strict calorie and nutrient counts should be maintained by someone else.

For loss of appetite caused by taking medications, ask your health care provider about changing the dosage or drug. Never stop taking medications without first talking to your health care provider.

When to Contact a Medical Professional

Call your health care provider if you are losing a lot of weight without trying.

Note: To calculate the percentage of weight loss, divide the weight lost (in pounds) by your previous weight (in pounds) and multiply by 100.

For example, if a person weighing 125 pounds loses 10 pounds:

10 divided by 125 = 0.08
0.08 times 100 = 8% weight loss
What to Expect at Your Office Visit Return to top

Your doctor will perform a physical exam and will check your height and weight. Your diet and medical history will be reviewed. The doctor wll ask questions about your decreased appetite, including:

Is the decreased appetite severe or mild?
How much weight has been lost?
Time pattern
Is loss of appetite a new symptom?
If so, did it start after an upsetting event, such as the death of a family member?
What other symptoms are also present?

You have a virus..
It's not a normal one though
It only effects your eating habbets
YOu dont need to go to a doctor.
I should clear up in a couple of weeeks
Be htankfull your loseing weight!!

If this continues, I would go see a doctor. Its not normal. Also I'd skip the tacos for now. Start with something like soup and crackers.

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