Cheerios Healthy?!

Question: I was just wondering, are cheerious necessarily healthy?

The serving size is 1 cup, and last night since i hardly ate anything that day i had 3 cups, which was around 450 calories, but anyways, are cheerios healthy?

Can someone gain weight from eating cheerios?

Answers: I was just wondering, are cheerious necessarily healthy?

The serving size is 1 cup, and last night since i hardly ate anything that day i had 3 cups, which was around 450 calories, but anyways, are cheerios healthy?

Can someone gain weight from eating cheerios?

cheerios, as well as many other cereals, are a great source of vitamin b. it'll also help lower cholesterol and provides a decent source of fiber.

with the exception of water, you can gain weight from anything if you eat excessive amounts. you'll only gain weight from eating cheerios if you eat it in addition to what you usually eat (well obviously more calories=more weight).

but it also depends on your normal diet. if you normally have vegetables or fruit for dinner, which we'll estimate to total to 250 calories, then you will gain weight from eating those 3 cups of cheerios. however if you usually eat a regular dinner which can range from 350-700 calories, then you can lose weight by continuing to eat 3 cups of cheerios.

just remember, eat in moderation!

Cheerios are healthy as long as you only have one cup and no other starches (bread, potato...etc) Too much starch is fattening

in moderation can be fine. it lowers colesterol

Cheerios are healthy. This ceareal contains little to no added sugar, unlike cereals like cinnamon toast crunch and Lucky Charms. The best ceareal though are any of those made of whole grain (the wheat germ hasnt gone through so much altering by the manufacturer). Whole grain is going to keep you fuller longer due to the higher fiber content and provide a rich dose of the nutrients your body needs.
Any food that is eaten in excess amounts can cause weight gain.

eat a big big bowl if you like
you can gain weight if you eat the box of cheerios

cheerios are healthy when eaten in moderation their are definately alot of much much worse choices that you could have made i would say its fine just watch your portion controll and what time your eating them you probably wouldnt want to eat 3 cups of cheerios rite before bed also be aware of what type of milk you had with them if you did not have them dry differnt typs of milks have more calories and fat than others hope i helped

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