HOw to shed my midsection fat--belly?!

Question: I am to hit a Gym (war zone,indeed! )soon!!
what should i do to shed my fats in my midsection!!

Answers: I am to hit a Gym (war zone,indeed! )soon!!
what should i do to shed my fats in my midsection!!

To get a six pack or close to it is by two things: reduced fat around stomach, and toning of ab muscles. It's quite simple really. The body stores excess energy consumed by lack of exercise or overeating as fat. To burn the fat you need to do the opposite of what you are doing before. Belly is the most common place for fat to be stored in men, or women (as well as thighs). To get rid of this fat, it needs to be used for energy by the body instead of the food you eat. The body first uses up the food we eat, and then uses up the fat stores in the body when we haven't eaten enough or consumed a lot of energy through activity. You can maintain the same amount you eat but just increase activity through lifting weights and cardio (running, swimming or whatever). As long as energy/calories consumed is less than calories used up, fat will be burned. Because muscles consume more energy, it also helps to do weight lifting. More muscle mass = more fat burned. in this way the body can regulate itself, and you can keep the weight off by maintaining the muscle.

There's no particular exercise to target just the abs or any part of the body when reducing fat. There's no need to do 100 situps every morning, this is the hard and unnecessary way. Situps don't burn fat except in the energy you used to do the exercise - they help to increase ab muscle strength and endurance not just reduce fat. To reduce fat , cardio exercise is the most effective way. The ab muscles are worked anyway through normal cardio activity eg jogging/running/swimming/cycling anyway. Even if doing situps, only about 10 situps per rep are required with weights or with a partner pushing you back, to stress your abs. This is easier and achieves the same as 100 boring spine crunching situps in front of the TV.

To reduce belly fat the most effective way is to do cardio workouts to burn fat, as well as eat a healthy diet and increase muscle mass through weight lifting. Eat moderate meals as well - too little and the body stores fat by slower metabolism (in survival mode), eat too much and you defeat the purpose of losing fat (energy eaten needs to be less than energy used)

With increased muscle mass your body can naturally burn off fat because it needs extra energy to maintain muscle. This is the most effective way for long-term weight control and reducing fat. Lots of situps achieve little except to increase ab strength and stamina. It's a lot of effort for little gain. Lift weights, do like squats, bench presses etc to increase muscle mass in the large muscle groups. Building muscle is important, you see how "The Biggest Loser" (tv show) contestants look after intensive weight loss over a short period of time with little muscle buildling. They may look thin but they may have lots of flabby stretched skin and stretch marks (just like pregnant women) under their loose fitting clothing, which some have had surgery for.

As far as I know the body doesn't care what exercise you do as long as you are burning fat. I'm wary of special gimmicks or special exercises for a particular purpose, 100 or so years ago it was rare to find a person with a fat midsection. Also rare to find such in most African countries except for pregnant women. Take note of their lifestyles and why they look like they do. They didn't spend money on special ab machines or exercices, they just keep active and eat properly. It's the sugars, including fruit juice, soda, carbs, donuts, white bread, cake and highly processed foods with little fibre which are staples in our Western society which cause the body to be slow at digesting the food, constipation, bloating (even fatter looking stomach), as well as increase risk of cancer or heart disease and diabetes. These sugars and carbs get easily stored as fat. 100 years ago Westerners ate little processed foods and were better off for it. People were healthier before sugar as a sweetener was found, and the white flour mills were invented. Nowdays, the medical world and pharmaceutical companies need junk food to keep them in business. The junk food companies are endorsed by medical associations, the medical associations are endorsed by the government. Their job is to keep people sick, so that they rely on medicine and spend money. It's not about making you healthier so you can live longer. It's about making you sick, so that they can make you live longer via medicine. Health insurance companies are in on it too, they wouldn't make any money if the supermarket shelves were full of healthy organic produce. And ask yourself why doctors recommend surgery for obesity instead of promoting healthy lifestyle. It is a big conspiracy.

By the way some claim that drinking a glass of warm lemon water (half a lemon squeezed into glass of warm water) every morning 1 hr before breakfast helps as well in reducing fat. It also helps to detox the body (clean the liver).
The purpose of fat in our bodies is to protect our vital organs from toxins (heart, liver, etc). In an acidic environment the fat does its job - protects the organs. The theory is that the lemon juice alkalines your stomach acid, which helps the fat cells in your body 'let go' and be burned away more efficiently.

just stop eating

It is the hardest but also the fastest

well i have heard that that they now have a fat patch that sucks fat out of you. its really good and it apparently works well.

belly dancing.

good luck, you're gonna need it, it's the hardest place to shift fat from.
healthy eating, cardio, and maybe some sit ups (but dont overdo it)

Nothing new. Cut calories with little foodand burn calories by exercise..Is it not very

hula hoop!:) 10-20 per day! trust me!!;p

I used to have the fattest stomach. Here's a good site I found that really helped. It gave me great workouts and diet tips and showed me what I was doing wrong before...

Good luck to you!

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