How can I lose weight quick?!

Question: Hello my name is Erica I am 14 years old and I am tired of being overweight but when I start to lose weight I lose a family member and I get depressed and start eating again and I am tired of being called names, how cna this stop and how can I lose weight quick?!!!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Answers: Hello my name is Erica I am 14 years old and I am tired of being overweight but when I start to lose weight I lose a family member and I get depressed and start eating again and I am tired of being called names, how cna this stop and how can I lose weight quick?!!!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Hey Erica, try to get out and move around, do some activities that require you to get out and move it! :-D Get yourself active. Maybe try a fun workout video, maybe a dance one!

Make it fun for yourself, exercises does not have to be boring and mundane. Skating and dancing can be so much fun to do. Take walks, run a little. Start slow an work your way up. Before you know it you'll be so fabulous! :-D

Be concerned more with being healthy and the rest should begin to fall into place for you sweetie.

Try healthy snacks and fruit, and don't try to lose wight too fast as it will come back and it usually comes back more, and you don't want that because that sucks! :-D

Tell a parent to look at my profile, there is a good line of healthy products my children take for your age!

Don't listen to ignorant people, let them live in their foolish world. Take all the good advice you get and leave the rest behind in the garbage where it belongs. Take care of yourself and good luck! Hope this helps!

starvation, anorexia, belemia, ????? idk u chuse lol pills

Go see your pediatrician and have him/her recommend a diet/fitness plan that will work for you. There is no quick fix. Sure, there are plenty of fad diets out there to slim you down quickly, but these are the ones that do not last. You will end up in the same place you started. That is why it is necessary to make a lifestyle change that will work for you, that you will be able to do not just now to get slim, but also for the rest of your life to keep the excess weight off. I know how you feel, because I was there once too. Make sure you get out and walk or get involved in sports. Join a health club or YMCA if possible. Good luck Erica, don't give up. You can do this.

Erica, eat good fresh food, drink lots of water and do as much excercise in a way you enjoy as possible and find some friends to share an activity with that doesn't involve eating. If you really want to cheer yourself up try giving up television for a month, you will be amazed by the result! Good luck.

the only way to lose fat, and not just muscle and temporary water weight, is to eat right, and if you wanna do it fast exercise too. First you'll have to develop own diet plan around you schedule, then you'll have to choose an exercise routine to fit that schedule.

ima copy and paste my awnsers to those lose fat questions

Diet is the most important aspect of losing fat or gaining muslce mass.

BAsic diet tips:
- Eat your BMR (basic metaboic rate) in calories you can google one.
- Eat 20% of your intake as fat try to include monounsaturated and polyunsaturated as much as you can instead of sat. fat, don't completely take sat. fat out though you need it to promote testosterone. Also don't eat it all at once. (Although NASM suggests 25-35, that's more for optimal health not losing fat)
-Eat your calories in several 6-8 meals a day, I could write papers on why this is so important but in a nutshell eating to many carbs or fat at once will lead to fat gain, than later when you have none you'll lose fat but lose muscle with it and overall lose less fat, in addition it makes your metabolic rate higher... this is pretty important
-Time your macronutrients, carbs and fat are the two macronutrients that will turn to fat, protien extremely rarely will turn to fat. You want to eat carbs before your workout whether it be lifting or cardio, and thrice after your workout in 6 hours, one immediatly, one 3 hours from that mark and another 6 hours from that mark. Do not eat carbs around times where your not active. Spread your fat calories out through the 6-8 small meals, add a little fat to a very lean meal, like a tablespoon of flaxseed oil.
-Eat lower gi carbs (except directly after a weight session) This is VERY important!!
-Eat protien EVERY meal. Every meal of the day it's important to supply your body with protien, for all functions, for repairing your muscle tissue after workouts, it's very thermogenic so it will increase your metabolic rate slightly, a lean protien diet lowers your insulin levels which makes burning fat easier... again lotta reasons.
-Drink plenty of water, if you don't drink enough your metabolism won't run at 100%, plus u'll feel hungrier.
-Consume any Fiber in the morning (along with protien) to kind of kick start your metabolism if that makes sense. It helps your body start burning calories right away.
-get plenty of vitamins and minerals, take a multivitamin if you have to because it will keep your metabolism running at a higher calorie intake.
-Your macronutrient ratio should be higher in protien than it is in carbs (again NASM suggests a higher carb intake than protien but for losing weight as a priority over health stick with higher protien.. Always stick with 20% fat (After the goal weight is achieved do not continue this ratio)
-Fight your will to starve yourself, because you won't lose anymore fat you'll only lose muscle.
-don't eat any carbs 6 hours before bed time if you can. Fat and protien is okay b4 bed.

-If you have trouble you might want to look at ketogenic type diets there high fat high protien very low carbs, there a bit easier but read up on it there's some health risks with it and although it's rapid fat loss ussually not all people will experience the right affect.

exercise tips:
If your doing cardio, which is most popular, steady and low intensity cardio can be done as much as you want. Most people suggest at least 40 minutes 3 times a week at minimum, but you can do far more than that.
High-intensity workouts are better in the long run such as HIIT, it is EXTREMELY time efficient, it's the only way to get into very low levels of bodyfat for most people. Google hiit to get an idea of how much better it is.
During weight loss people tend to tell you not to lift weights, however lifting to sustain or tone (high reps) is a very good way to increase your rmr alot (resting metabolic rate) it has a positive affect on your endocrine system which makes fat loss easier, it promotes muscle growth so your diet is less catabolic, (muscle loss) there are so many health benefits of it... I could go on forever.
don't exercise too soon before bed, and Make sure you exercise at a time where you can get your post-nutition every few hours.
Testosterone is typically higher when you wake up so exercise in the morning is a good idea if you can but don't stress ussually you won't notice the difference in your stamina or strength.

edit: just to let you know exercise and proper diet trigger the release of endorphins into the brain, which then makes your self-esteem sky rocket so you probably won't be emo nemore >_< sorries XD

Hi Erica. If you spend too much time in front of the TV or on the internet, you will put on weight. Get active. You nay get yourself an exercise DVD or join a walk club. You will lose weight at the right time.

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