Now that I'm drinking more water?!

Question: This was one of my New Years Resolutions (lol) and so far I'm doing pretty well on this one, I have already doubled my water intake and am starting to feel the benefits. My questions are, when will I stop running for the bathroom so much? How long does it take for the body to become accustomed to this increaed water intake? I am now up to about a litre a day, should I be drinking more? Has anyone else been through this and can you offer some advice ?

Answers: This was one of my New Years Resolutions (lol) and so far I'm doing pretty well on this one, I have already doubled my water intake and am starting to feel the benefits. My questions are, when will I stop running for the bathroom so much? How long does it take for the body to become accustomed to this increaed water intake? I am now up to about a litre a day, should I be drinking more? Has anyone else been through this and can you offer some advice ?

from my experience, i don't think your ever get used it to completely. I drink bout 3 liters a day, and although I've been doing this a long time, i still need to run to the bathroom more than my mates, family etc.

It will probably slow down a bit, but don't expect it to be as little trips as before, as all that extra water has to go somewhere.

Also yes its said to be at least 2 liters a day, but if you play sports or live in a warm climate it should be more.

hope this helped.

As long as you drink 8+ glasses of water per day, you alright, as the bathroom thing, that's normal, its just cleaning out your system!

you'll get used to it

I don't think it changes,you'll always have to run to the bathroom

Good on you girl...listen it would be more of a problem if you didn't go and they tell me I should drink more than a litre a day which I do, and apparently I'm still dehydrated...go figure??But I believe you need more than the litre every day.

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