Any suggestions for a 39 year old, 40 lbs over weight, with no energy for motiva!

Question: i cant take diet pills for energy and cravings. they give me bladder infections horribly! my fiance is thin and im so embarrassed i refuse to let him see me naked! i know i need to do something but i cant seem to find the motivation i need to keep going. at the end of the day im exhausted! i went from a size 5 at 31 and a hysterectomy, to a size 16 now and feeling fatter every day! im getting scared i'll never lose it. Any suggestions?

Answers: i cant take diet pills for energy and cravings. they give me bladder infections horribly! my fiance is thin and im so embarrassed i refuse to let him see me naked! i know i need to do something but i cant seem to find the motivation i need to keep going. at the end of the day im exhausted! i went from a size 5 at 31 and a hysterectomy, to a size 16 now and feeling fatter every day! im getting scared i'll never lose it. Any suggestions?

In my opinion the fist thing you need to do is change your way of thinking. If you can get yourself in the right frame of mind, that is to say not to be so hard on yourself, have a clear reason why you want to get fit, and have a clear goal/deadline.

You need to be realistic and start small. Go out and do some minor exercise a day, for example if you see some stairs or an escalator use the stairs, instead of driving to the shops... walk. A little exercise is better than no exercise.

The motivation will come slowly as you see yourself progress and eat less junk food, start doing more 'incidental fitness'. It only takes 4 weeks to form a new habbit, so sit down make a plan and in 4 weeks time you will be in way better shape than you are now.

Good luck and have fun along the way :-)

P.S. If you want to read a book and get motivated along the way... I highly recommend the Body for life book by Bill Phillips.

my answer to your question is simply ENJOY IT

Hmm, it could be a medical problem. I would consult a doctor.
If you have no energy you must start slowly, I am no expert but here is my "plan of action"
This won't be a quick fix.

1. Continue eating as you are, but go for a 15-20 min walk everyday. This will start your exercise, but still have low energy useage. (You may want to try a couple of energy drinks)
2. When you are comfortable, step up to around 30-45min walk every other day, whilst maintaining the 15-20 min the other days. Replace snacks with fruit. (You say you can get Bladder infections, cranberry juice is very good for this)
3. Gradually start shifting your food types. (Instead of a beef burger and chips, have a smaller beef burger and salad)
4. Try to incorporate a little jogging into your longer walks.
5. After a couple of weeks, continue with your longer walks, and replace the short ones with light aerobics/calisthenics (basically lift some light weights, tins of beans for example, and try sit ups and so forth)
6. By now you should be noticing a difference. Continue like this, and when you feel better, with more energy, come back for more advise, or research the other people's questions on here.

Hope it helps.

If you have the money, join a Martial Arts class. I was losing a pound a day.


give up tubby, your fat and lazy.

or just get off you flabbyass quit eating'drinking junk and start working out like your training for the olympics. no excuses, just do it. or plan on living the rest of your life as a fattass.

hope this pissed ya of and motivated ya.

Well, you are obviously not enjoying it ...but do try not to be so hard on yourself!

Read the Dr. Atkins book and really give it a try. After about 3 days, the cravings go away. Really.

You will likely get foggy brain for a day or two, but that passes also. Don't do anything important on those days!

I've been doing the Induction phase (not strictly, either and I don't exercise) since Aug 26th and I have lost 45 lbs!

Give it a try!

If you haven't already done so, see a doctor to make sure that you're healthy and don't have a metabolic problem. 40 pounds overweight is not really that much, so you may also want to consider getting psychological help - if this excess weight is causing you too much emotional pain it can ironically get in the way of losing the weight, or keeping it off if you did lose it.
There are also self-help groups - overeaters anonymous or something like that. You're not alone.
Don't yo-yo with fad diets or fasts. If your BMI is over 40 you could talk to your doctor about gastric surgery.

Yes. You don't get motivated and thdn act. People think it works that way, but it doesn't.

You act first. Do something. . . THEN. You'll become motivated. Take a 100 meter walk. Do not walk further. The next day add 50 meters, no more!

Increase it litle by little until you are at 2 miles a day. Stop having secondsof anything, even if all you are doing is eating somthing else. Wait 30 seconds between bites- it takes your stomach 20 minutes to know its full.

It could be a problem with your thyroid, or even polycystic ovarian disease. But if it is not medical, I recommend that you first start counting your calories. Make sure that you are not eating too many carbs, because they can cause production of insulin, which is easily converted to fat. You don't want to eat too few carbs either. Try a diet that has a combination of good fats, protein and carbs.

You also should try to exercise. Try to start walking for a half hour several times a week. In addition, try to walk around when you usually sit, like when you are on the phone.

Good luck!

Turn the lights out.

OK, seriously...does he give you any reason to be embarrassed? My longtime boyfriend is a good 20 pounds thinner and 7 or 8 inches taller than me (he wears what's comparable to a womens' size 6; I wear a 10 or a 12. That's a normal size, but I'm not exactly a normal height--I'm about 20 pounds overweight). Not only does he not care, but he likes that I'm a little bit heavy. If he wants to marry you, he should appreciate what's under the size 16.

Can't really help to motivate you; honestly, what keeps my weight in check at all is two things:
1) I'm often too busy to eat regular meals (which, by the end of the day, hinders my weight because I'll eat bad things),
2) I don't have my driver's license, so I have to walk everywhere.

Make sure to eat smaller, healthier meals throughout the day. But only eat when you're hungry, and until you're not hungry. Try to avoid sugar as much as possible. It takes a while to get used to, but it helps in the end. And walk! Just keep moving. You don't have to go to the gym or anything. Just make sure that you make your daily lifestyle more active.

When I need to lose a little weight (like now), my choice has been the Sonoma Diet. It may have been easier for me than for many, because I already ate most of the food on the diet (it's based on the Mediterranean lifestyle, and I'm in the third generation since my great-grandparents came off the boat from Greece.) But it works. Anyone else I know that's been on it has lost significant weight on it. The trick is to retain most of the lifestyle of the diet, and only eat fattening foods n occasion. And notice when you are beginning to gain too much weight--then diet for a little bit to keep that in check.

Energy comes from being active. The more active you are the more energy you will have.
As for motivation, that's more tricky. I believe you will start to feel motivated when you see the results of your exercise. For 2-3 weeks you'll probably notice no change and that's the time when most people give up. Just keep at it and once you see the results of your hard work you'll have all the motivation you need to carry on. Good on you for wanting to do something about and good luck

Feel free to read up what you need at this blog as well as other proven weight loss (Fast) tips here too:


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Cheers to you and I hope it helps with your weight loss goals

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