Why is Diet Soda so bad?!

Question: I really like diet soda, but if it's bad for me I won't drink it.

Will someone please confirm this and tell me why? What will happen to me if I drink maybe 20 oz of it a day?

Answers: I really like diet soda, but if it's bad for me I won't drink it.

Will someone please confirm this and tell me why? What will happen to me if I drink maybe 20 oz of it a day?

Soda has nothing to offer in the way of healthy ingredients and the carbonation is not good for the teeth. That being said, a few diet sodas everyday probably will not harm you. I certainly am not giving mine up. I make no apologies for enjoying mine in moderation.

All soda --- diet or not --- is full of useless chemicals that harm you in the long run. Diet soda has more of them, but sugar soda has them too.
How 'bout water with a slice of lemon? Or make your own natural soda: selzer water (which you can buy or make yourself) and add a little juice or wine or fruit.
Why give money to these big companies that make CRAP for us to ingest?

i drink way more diet coke than that a day and nothing has happened to me.

i know its bad for your health but i just cant leave it, its so f*cking addictive

every time man messes with nature, it seems it proves out to be bad. teflon pans give off gasses that kill birds, so you wonder how healthy they are for humans. artificial sweetners are suspected to have issues. some studies indicate that though they have no calories, they may actually have appetite stimulating propperties and cause you to eat more.

my personal opinion is that i use natural products as a rule of thumb. for example margarines use hydrogenated fats. they are awful for you. yes, butter has bad fats, but at least it occures naturally. i think if you limit it, it would be better than trans fats. my opinion, artificial sweetners are man made, and i would avoid them.

Diet pop causes weight gain and Aspartame (the artificial sweetener used in over 9000 products) has over 92 known side effects that impact your health.

It was listed as a bio weapon by the government to be used against our nations enemies before it was approved to be put in our food and drink.


It is really bad for you and I hope you'll be able to quit.
Good luck!

To much aspartame can be bad for you which is the sweetner in diet pop. Also Phosphoric Acid which is found in diet and regular pop causes problems with teeth.

Sugar is sugar and it will cause you to gain weight. The high fructose corn syrup in soda is really bad for you. Soda can also cause you to have osteoperosis. You might want to look at the sugar alternative that your drink contains. Splenda is the mirror image of arsenic. You also have to consider that our ancestors used regular sugar and our bodies are able to process is. The sugar alternatives are foreign to our bodies and we have a harder time processing them out.

Diet Soda, besides having harming chemicals in it like mentioned above also tricks your brain into thinking it's receiving calories it isn't. Once your body digests it and realises it, it will try to make up on the calories it thinks it lost and make you hungier.

It's better to have a real soda then a diet soda, but if you want to limit the caloric blow you should try alternatives. My favorights are selzer water and fruit juice, non sweetened ice tea, and flavored water (Not the ones with artifical sweetners!)

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