Adderall for weight loss?!

Question: How does adderall work as a weight loss pill?
I read that it used to be prescribed for weight loss, is it still used for that?

Answers: How does adderall work as a weight loss pill?
I read that it used to be prescribed for weight loss, is it still used for that?

I also heard that it use to be used for weight loss but I don't think it is anymore.
It's a form of amphentamine (spelling) so I think for some people it would help to loose weight but check with a doctor first.

I'd steer clear of it. I've seen too many people in my life get hooked on this drug, and it totally changes them and makes them imbalanced. One of my friends actually says "It's better than coke." That just gives me chills.

People take it for ADD, which is legit of course, but even the friends of mine who started taking it for that reason seemed to get way worse on this drug.

As far as how it would work, it sounds like a stimulant, which would speed up your metabolism a tiny bit, besides making you feel too jittery to be hungry.

Try instead.

Yeah, it totally makes you loose weight because it's speed! It makes you not want to eat AND it speeds up your metabolism.

HOWEVER, once you stop taking it, anything you do eat gets immediately stored as fat cause your body thinks that it has been starving. Then, you gain twice as much weight back. It's only used for the EXTREMELY obese and only for 6 week durations due to this effect.

Go to this site and download their E-book, I'm sure it will help you!

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