I heard that trans fat is very bad for me.?!

Question: A few foods that I eat have trans fat. Is this unhealthy?

Answers: A few foods that I eat have trans fat. Is this unhealthy?

Yes trans fat is very unhealthy, but don't worry, you will not die from eating some trans fat. Don't be afraid if you c on the nutrition label that the food has a certain amount of trans fat. Some people say it causes so many deaths and whatnot. Well just think about it for a second, trans fat is in all types of snack foods such as cookies, crackers, butter, and other foods like this. And people eat these all the time, and I dont see anybody dropping dead from that. So a rule of thumb is just to try to keep trans and saturated fats to a minimum, but its OK if you eat some, you will NOT die..

yes it is very unhealthy. our bodies do not know how to burn transfat.

The primary health risk identified for trans fat consumption is an elevated risk of coronary heart disease

There are suggestions that the negative consequences of trans fat consumption go beyond the cardiovascular risk. In general, there is much less scientific consensus that eating trans fat specifically increases the risk of other chronic health problems:

* Cancer: There is no scientific consensus that consumption of trans fats significantly increases cancer risks across the board.[28] The American Cancer Society states that a relationship between trans fats and cancer "has not been determined."[34] However, one recent study has found connections between trans fat and prostate cancer.[35]

* Diabetes: There is a growing concern that the risk of type 2 diabetes increases with trans fat consumption.[28] However, consensus has not been reached.[4] For example, one study found that risk is higher for those in the highest quartile of trans fat consumption.[36] Another study has found no diabetes risk once other factors such as total fat intake and BMI were accounted for.[37]

* Obesity: Research indicates that trans fat may increase weight gain and abdominal fat, despite a similar caloric intake.[38] A 6-year experiment revealed that monkeys fed a trans-fat diet gained 7.2% of their body weight, as compared to 1.8% for monkeys on a mono-unsaturated fat diet.[39] Although obesity is frequently linked to trans fat in the popular media,[40] this is generally in the context of eating too many calories; there is no scientific consensus connecting trans fat and obesity.

* Liver Dysfunction: Trans fats are metabolized differently by the liver than other fats and interfere with delta 6 desaturase. Delta 6 desaturase is an enzyme involved in converting essential fatty acids to arachidonic acid and prostaglandins, both of which are important to the functioning of cells.[41]

* Infertility: One 2007 study found, "Each 2% increase in the intake of energy from trans unsaturated fats, as opposed to that from carbohydrates, was associated with a 73% greater risk of ovulatory infertility

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