How can i gain weight?!

Question: i know, eat, eat, eat! i have a fast metabolism, though. how can i gain weight in a healthy way?

Answers: i know, eat, eat, eat! i have a fast metabolism, though. how can i gain weight in a healthy way?

Drink Ensure or something similar, with every meal. You can make pudding, smoothies, or just from the container. I like to mix it with fresh berries or a banana.

Eat a healthy diet and avoid fast food. That is not healthy. Walk and do light weights to add muscle mass and not fat. Increase you intake of of fruits, vegetables, meat, bread, milk, eggs. Start slow and add more. Drink an Ensure with every meal. It taste good and adds extra calories and vitamins.

eat whole milk and open ur legs for the boys who come a knocking

Er... weight lift? lol at least its gonna be good weight.

You could eat alot of dairy products and white bread. That should do the trick.

Eat fast food every day. Thats good to gain weight and it taste good

try eating something

Take a Fatness program. :)

bananas and milk. thats what my recruiter told me to eat when i joined the military and was underweight (im a chick).

Increasing your intake of junk foods and greasy foods is not a good way to gain weight. Junk foods usually contain unhealthy trans fats or saturated fats. Even though you need to increase your calorie consumption to gain weight, those calories should come from foods that are good for you.

Healthy fats include omega-3 essential fatty acids sources like tuna, salmon, flax, and walnuts. Good sources of protein include lean meats, fish, poultry, nuts, seeds and legumes. Healthy carbohydrate sources include fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

It may be easier to eat five or six smaller balenced meals per day rather than eating three large meals, especially if you are not used to eating much at one sitting.

Protein powders and nutritional supplement drinks such as Ensure an be added as in-between meal snacks if you still need more calories. Some protein powders are flavored and only need added water and some others can be blended with your choice of juice or milk to improve the taste.

It would also be a healthy idea to add a small amount of flax seed oil and some psyllium powder to add some omega-3 essential fatty acids and extra fiber.

Exercise is also important for healthy weight gain. Resistance training exercises such as lifting weights will help to increase your muscle size. Aerobic exercises such as running and stationary bicycling are better for fat loss and excessive aerobic training may cause you to lose more weight. Resistance training can be done at a health club, gym or at home with the proper equipment.

Remember that it can take a while to gain the weight you need, but be patient and continue to choose healthy foods until you reach your goal weight.

DO pilateS
and eat kaLTeEn Bars,,,,,,
theyRe VEry uSeFUl


i guess you could try not excersing. that might not make you gain weight, but it wont make you lose any either. also i heard the pill can make you gain weight

Eat between meals...It's not really good for you but if you want to gain weight, just eat more of what you already eating.

One day your metabolism will slow down or u'll have no time to ...think about it

I wanted to gain weight since i was 14 or so...
and now im in uni n i gained like 10 pounds..

i jus noticed our avatars are very similar hahah

Stop the long walks on the beach.

you could get a salad with chicken

Lay on your couch for about 3 weeks and only move an inch or so to grab the chip that are sitting on the floor next to you

eat a little more than usuall, but dont overdo it, that can cause health issues. It will take some time but better safe than sorry

Eat Mayonaise. Just Pure Lardy Mayonaise. And Enjoy It Too.

Carbs and dairy products.

God, I wish I had that problem..

What is wrong with being thin?
You are not starving yourself so don't worry about it. I wish I had your problem.

i would suggest a healthy diet or just be healthy (depending on how much calories you eat) by eating proportion size meals. i suggest eat your servings of grains, meat, dairy, and also have room for snacks. depending if your older or bigger you should have around 2000-2500 calories.

The most important thing is to be healthy,over eating or eating unhealthy foods can be harmful to you.
Talk to your doctor.

i work in a nursing home and for residents that are under weight we put benecalorie in there meals and they also drink sustagen this helps them to gain weight i know you can get the sustagen from a chemist, but im not quite sure about the benecalorie.

I understand your problem, as my wife has had trouble adding weight (or keeping it on) for all of her 56 years so far.

What works for Pam may not work for you, but here's what she does:

1. Protein shakes, not instead of meals, but generally between meals. Of course these cost money, but that's a different question, so....

2. A reasonable balance between protein, carbs, and sugars. For example, today we had a dinner meal of meat loaf (hers is outa this world!), mashed potatoes and mixed vegetables, with fruit juice to drink (I forget which kind she drank today; we have several in the house.).

3. Often enough (she's disabled but still feisty), I fix her a big bowl of oatmeal (in milk, or even half-and-half) plus a humongous batch of blueberries mixed in. Other times, we have blueberry pancakes.

Also, the pastas can help--spaghetti, for instance, especially with (yum) meatballs.

But if you're young, with a fast metabolism as you say, it can still be tough. I grew up on a Montana ranch and even as a kid ALWAYS lost weight in the summer when I was out in the hayfields slinging bales of hay around and sweating my brains out. In the end, about all you can REALLY do is read and experiment with food, as each of us is a little different.

if you do indeed have a fast metabolism..take this into consideration:
your body is burning up what you eat and turning it into energy for you to function. if you were to decrease the rate at which your body processes food, it would be manageable for you to gain weight.
Now, all you have to do is take all the food you would normally eat throughout an entire day and just eat all that in one sitting.
since your body is used to burning up food at a fast rate, it will in fact burn it up quickly...but if you do this for say....about a week, then your body will get used to the routine that once you do eat, nothing more will come in to be stored as energy, it will process the food more slowly, thus allowing you to gain weight!!

hope this helps! =P

Plenty of nuts might help as they contain about 600 calories per 100 gm.

I'm trying to lose weight too and it's sooo hard. My aunt is using a weight loss product and it's really working for her (100% natural). I'm gonna try it and I recommend you try it too. Check their website at , my aunt got a free trial and paid only $4.95 shipping and handling.

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