Can cranberry juice cleanse and clean out my body?!

Question: I want to get rid of parasited and built up junk an just feel clean.

Answers: I want to get rid of parasited and built up junk an just feel clean.

Yes, it most definately cleanses out your body, specifically your kidneys and bladder. From what I have researched previously, drinking too much may cause kidney stones - therefore drink no more (and no less) than one cup of cranberry juice per day. To be honest though, nothing beats water when it comes to cleaning your insides, it flushes all the toxins etc. Drink cranberry juice as well as alot of water. Also, slice up two or three pieces of cucummber in your water. It brings a nice taste, as well, it contains acids that cleanse your intestines and digestive system.

Yep, cranberry juice is great at cleaning out and purifying your body. Just drink it, and when you have to use the bathroom, you go right ahead and use it

Cranberry juice is great for you. It does help flush out your body.

Sugarfree ones do.

Yes cranberry juice is good for the kidneys.

I've been told that it cleans out your kidneys. My grandson drinks it like water and he is healthy enough.

water is a good idea also

Maybe straight cranberry juice- but that cranberry cocktail is full of sugars. Water and a laxative might do a better job at that.

Yup... But it will do a NUMBER on your toilet- however! :0

just drink only cran juice for like 48 hours

ohhhhhh yes lt can

Yea that's true, cranberry do flush out, but you can regularise the intake, dint take it too much, once in a day its OK.

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