What would be the advantages of losing weight?!

Question: just for motivational perposes u know. new years rev is dying fast

Answers: just for motivational perposes u know. new years rev is dying fast

I got this off a t-shirt I bought from the "Atkins All the Way" online store. It applies to any weight loss program.

25. To buy clothes in a normal store.
24. To be able to tie your shoes/paint toenails.
23. To be able to sit on a floor and get up gracefully.
22. To wear a bathing suit.
21. To cross your legs or sit Indian style.
20. To fit into a booth at any restaurant.
19. To be able to pick something up off the floor without sweating.
18. To not have to apologize when caught in a narrow aisle.
17. To go dancing, sky diving, bungee jumping...
16. To not have your belly hit the steering wheel.
15. To not be more out of shape than seniors.
14. To be able to put on wedding rings again.
13. Normal waistbands rather than elastic!
12. To look good in a tee shirt!
11. To not be afraid to ask which hairstyle suits your face.
10. To get promotions/hired or close that sale.
9. To successfully flirt!
8. One size fits all and it fits you!
7. To have a lap.
6. To not have the car you are riding in slant in your direction.
5. To be able to get between cars in a parking lot.
4. To not mind getting your picture taken.
3. To wake up each morning feeling energized and ready to go.
2. To not feel lower than low when an innocent child remarks about your size!
1. The most important reason to lose weight...
You're Worth It!


I can say I look and feel better after shedding 65 pounds. I can RUN long distances. Today I jogged for a half hour. :)

Better Attitude
New Clothes
Men staring at your NEW hot bod
Healthy life for a long long time!

feeling light and energetic is always good to live with full zest

It is better for your heart, joints, muscles etc. You feel better and that leads to better outlook on life. You may feel more like going out and socializing and not being concerned about "do these make me look fat" or "do I look too fat for that". You might have guys whistle at you in the steet (if you are a female and I assume you are) and that would make you feel great.
Maybe you can think about how jealous a lot of your friends will be when you lose weight.
Oh and lastly, you increase your life span by losing weight.

Bathing suit season.
Your pants will be loose. I love that feeling.

those old clothes you like so much will fit better

You will be a little healthier

and your favorite clothes will fit better again

thought i would mention it twice

it's hard but there are so many reasons you know1. you will be more self confident.2. you wont always feel like people are laughing at you.3. you can bend down to tie your shoes.4.you can go to any clothing stores.(you don't have to shop at fat girls stores).5. you can sit on any chair and not worry if your gonna fit or not.6. you will have more energy.7.you will be able to look at your self in the mirror and think wow I'm not fat.8. you will get attention from guys:)9.you will be healthier and ten you will feel like you can accomplish anything. good luck to you on your weight loss. god bless you.

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