Am I fat? Or am I just retaining water?!

Question: I started a 1000 calorie diet 5 days ago, and I've been working out 1 hour everyday. But I don't see any results. I was 125lbs a week ago, but then 3 or 4 hours later, I was 130lbs! I think I might be retaining water, but I'm not on my period! (my period should start sometime this week or next week though.)

And now I'm still 130lbs! And is being size 3 in juniors, fat for a 14 yr old, 5'3" girl?

Answers: I started a 1000 calorie diet 5 days ago, and I've been working out 1 hour everyday. But I don't see any results. I was 125lbs a week ago, but then 3 or 4 hours later, I was 130lbs! I think I might be retaining water, but I'm not on my period! (my period should start sometime this week or next week though.)

And now I'm still 130lbs! And is being size 3 in juniors, fat for a 14 yr old, 5'3" girl?

We have like..the same body weight. And I'm not FAT AT ALL. My boyfriend thinks I need to eat more and he tells me I'm cute and petite all the time.
But I'm about 5'3-4 and 120ishlbs. You're not fat though!
I know a lot of girls your age are still very thin because they havent fully filled out yet, but dont worry everyone starts gaining weight later in highschool :) seriously, everyone does.
So don't compare yourself to other girls your age..they still have the adolescent-thinness going on.

yoo thickie thick like srupsy

Avoid milk and milk products like coffee,tea & milk sweets.,biscuts etc. You can take butter milk similarly avoid adding salt in your food the salt already available in the fruits and vegetables is enough for your sound health. Do this for a month and then see your weight and you will be surprised to see that you have lost most your excess weight & fat from your body because salt is the fluid accumulator and milk is the fat generator when both are missing and if you avoid, beef , chicken & mutton then the results would be magical

its been 5 days give it time,

lol no ur not fat

You are NOT fat.

You are definitely within the normal weight range. There is nothing to worry about however yes, of course, you are gaining weight throughout the day as you eat and then go to the toilet.
To see you are getting any results, weight yourself each morning and record the results down. Then at the end of the week average the scores and that would be your regular weight, not the water weight which is the the weight you put on over the day.
Good luck with your program, but to me you sound just fine!

no if anything your small for your age and height. consider yourself lucky. most girls would kill to be smaller!

yea. im a 5 foot 3 and im 13 im on my period and im 100 calories

excerise isnt the answer for everyone u should really being eating healthy food not so much the excersise thing

I am sure you are just growing and you are not fat 130 is not fat for a 14 year old

working out causes muscles...muscles weigh more than the more muscle you gain the more you will weigh but will be toned and look thiner and feel better to

You'll have better luck with a 1750 calorie diet.

If your body is in a 1000 calorie its more likely that those calories will be transformed into fat. It's called 'survival mode' where your body focuses on transforming every thing it takes in as fat as to prepare for the long run because 1000 is just too little. Whereas in a 1750, calories will be distributed evenly

At many gyms, I know Gold's, they have body fat index calculators you basically hold up over your heart level, if it's low then that would mean it's water. Sweat it out at the sauna or do some intense cardio workout

first off u should be comsuming 1800 calories a day. thats why ur getting fat. oh and dont weigh ur self after u eat. weigh ur self in the morning b4 u eat.

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