What is a good waist size for women?!

Question: how can you get down to that size?
what exercise is effective?(don't just say sit-ups,cause that cant be the only way, such as with a exercise ball or etc.)

Answers: how can you get down to that size?
what exercise is effective?(don't just say sit-ups,cause that cant be the only way, such as with a exercise ball or etc.)

24 to 26 inches. I don't know how effective exercise balls are, but I DO know how effective sit-ups are.....so, you cannot escape doing those if you want a strong, flat tummy. Leg lifts, lying on your back, lifting very slowly and coming down slowly....those are also good...you will feel the muscles in your tummy area tightening. And, of course, walking......it uses every muscle in the body.

depends on your height. pilates, swimming are good exercises

i think every women has a bone structure, and her waist range can vary depending on her weight. it also depends on ur fat distribution, and that is genetic and cant be changed, like fat stored mostly in ur thighs rather than waist or vice versa.

10-16 but it all depends on how you are built. If you really want to get it down than a change of lifestyle is most effective, so eat different foods(healthy ones). on a excercise ball sit on it with your legs streched out. See if at first you can lift one foot off the ground whilst staying steady. You should feel your stomach muscles working. Another one is have you legs on the ball with you body stretched out and see how far you can go with your legs remaining steady on the ball.

i think 25-28" is the best, but it depends on your frame size.i think in general this is the best waist size.

Depends on your height.

All depends on a persons bone structure and body type!

I have 25 inches and it seems to work for me.
Crunches and other ab exercises DO NOT give you a smaller waist. The only way you can shrink you waist is by losing body fat (abs won't show if they are covered in a layer of fat). I suggest implementing a healthy eating/weight training/ cardio program.

24 - 26 i

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