Is a "crunchie" a ladies version of a sit up?!

Question: actually men do crunches too, the reason people do crunches rather than sit-ups is because a sit-up puts undue stress on the back, and doing crunches produces the same effect without the increased risk of back injury.

Answers: actually men do crunches too, the reason people do crunches rather than sit-ups is because a sit-up puts undue stress on the back, and doing crunches produces the same effect without the increased risk of back injury.

I thought crunchie was a chocolate bar!!
In all serious though crunches are the best way to do (sit ups) for women and men, Less strain on back and better results.

Since I started to work out I was looking for a good weight loss product (I only wanted something 100% natural). I was on a diet but I felt that I needed a little "help" so I decided to try this great detoxification colon cleanse and I had fantastic results. You can check their website at , they give you a free trial and you only pay $4.95 shipping and handling.


I've tried so many different diets in the last 10 years that I can say now, they don't work!
A few months ago, I came across a great product for weight loss (it's actually a colon cleanse) and like many others I was skeptical about it. But I really wanted to lose weight and I tried it (it's 100% natural). The results were excellent. I lost about 20 pounds in 2 months with this detox. That's why I recommend you check this product at where they have a free trial and you only pay $4.95 shipping and handling.
Good luck!

I'm trying to lose weight too and it's sooo hard. My aunt is using a weight loss product and it's really working for her (100% natural). I'm gonna try it and I recommend you try it too. It's really a colon cleanse, and it's a healthy way to detox, not like most diet pills. Check their website at , my aunt got a free trial and paid only $4.95 shipping and handling.

I came across this great product for weight loss (all nautral) and it was excellent for me (it's a detox colon cleanse). Together with a good diet and exercise I am finally happy with my body and the way I look. You should check this product at , they have a free trial and you only pay $4.95 shipping and handling. A must!

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