If I eat 3 meals a day will I lose weight, along with walking an hour a day?!

Question: 16 years old. 5'9, 261 pounds. Ive been walking since fall. But I fell off. I started back up about a month ago. But I havent really worked on trying to lose weight because of the weather. But if I eat 3 times a day along with about 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening when I get my treadmill, will I lose weight?

My doctor said diets dont work. He told me to watch my portions and lay off soda. He said that just eat more vegetables and fruits and youll be okay.

Answers: 16 years old. 5'9, 261 pounds. Ive been walking since fall. But I fell off. I started back up about a month ago. But I havent really worked on trying to lose weight because of the weather. But if I eat 3 times a day along with about 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening when I get my treadmill, will I lose weight?

My doctor said diets dont work. He told me to watch my portions and lay off soda. He said that just eat more vegetables and fruits and youll be okay.

Yes you will, and you should be losing 1/2 - 1 lbs a week. Which is the healthiest way to do it.

Added note: the longer it takes to take off the lbs, the longer it will stay off.

Good Luck!

I agree with your doctor, and avoid high fructose corn syrup, fried chicken, cheeseburgers, fries, I would up your walking to two hours a day, all at the same time.

depends on the intake of your meal, and what is in it, your doc is right, drink h2o instead of soda, and juice have one that says 100 % juice, and yes the portion of the meal is also very important...check out slimfast.com, they have this chart that will help you to lose the "right "weight and not lose any muscle, since at the age of 16, u r still growing, walking is always good, try running too, just dont forget to warm up first

Instead of eating three big meals, split it up even further, say 4, 5, or even 6 meals per day. These meals would be more like snacks in portion size. Try making breakfast your largest meal, and the smallest your last meal before bed. (the last should be the least calories). Doing this will make your body burn more calories.
This will keep you from being hungry ALL THE TIME.
If you slip and eat a snickers............its OK, It will actually help you stay on track if you allow yourself one indulgence every few days.
Good luck, and congratulations for wanting to try to be healthier.

(Any exercise is a plus. Try parking farther away at the stores you visit. Hide the T.V. remote so you have to get up to turn the T.V. Take stairs instead of an elevator.)

Diets don't necessarily work for everybody. Watching your prtions is very important.
One good way to go is to break up your meals. For example make smaller portions and eat several times than eat a lot in one meal.
Drinking a lot of water helps.
Be consistent and you'll get there. :)

i heard from a friend that is studying to become a doctor that u should eat about 5-6 meals a day but smaller portions and just jog lightly for about 30 mins a day, for maybe 3-4 times a week... if you're not fit enough to do that, then start out small... maybe start walking.. and if it feels like its too easy, then start to walk longer.. if that feels to easy, try to jog, then run.. you could also bike.. dont get discouraged
about the food, try to stay off the junk food and sweets... diets dont work because it usually lasts for a little bit. you should look at this as a life changing experience.
the reason why 5-6 smaller meal a day is because this way, you're never hungry so you wont be craving for other foods. the reason why people that starve themselves are not able to lose weight is because they make train their stomach into thinking that they will not eat for a long time, thats why the food stays in their system.

depends on what size your 3 meals are.
And you should read the ingredients of all the juices you drink. Most have Corn Syrup which is not good if you drink so much in one day, for losing weight. Corn Syrup kinda gives you a bloat overall look on your arms, legs, face and waist, hips.
and no. you don't JUST eat more of that stuff that the doctor suggested, just watch your carbohydrates, corn syrup and don't eat lots of foods high in Sodium (salt), the salt makes you retain water.
Otherwise, if your 3 meals are minimal and very balanced you will lose weight working out an hour a day.
P.S. It is good to eat within an hour after you exercise, cause your body continues burning calories for one hour after you exercise.
I just read an article online that said that if you eat an apple right before your meals, and eat your meal til you're full, you will lose weight as well.

Well, of course you can still eat three maels a day and continue to lose weight but watch what you are eating. Things high in sugars, calories, and salts are harzardous to losing weight for if you consume large amounts of these, the more exercise you will have to do in order to lose the calories to actually lose a pound. If you want to walk for 30 min and continue to eat 3 meals a day, the meals you eat ( as your doctor said) should consist of a considerable amount of veggies and such. My grandmother started doing this when she found out she had diabetes and she went from 230 lbs to 156 lbs. But she did cut out a lot of the soda and sugars and replaced her desserts ( beacuse she cannot live without them) with homemade sugar free pies that were also low in oil and such. But remember, balance the food pyramid in your diet because your body needs the sugars and salts (though not many) and carbohydrates no matter if your losing weight. Also, it is unhealthy to lose more than three to five pounds in a week. If your doing everything correctly, you'll probably lose between one to two pounds in a week. Don't let the weather discourage you from your goals for there is always a way: you could even walk around the house for 30 min or do a little aerobics. But yes, you really need to watch your portions and cut out some of those fatty foods. Check the nutritional values on your food when available and remember - for this is most important - when you reach your desired weight do not go back to your previoud diet and try to exercise at least 3 times a week to maintain a healthy weight. It's good you want to accomplish a healthy goal and good luck to you on your journey!

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