How to keep the bar balanced and still when bench pressing?!

Question: I'm fairly new to benching and when I bench I have a tendency to sway from side to side a bit. It's really hard for me to keep the bar balanced. I have the strength (I'm only benching the bar to start out), but I just can't get the technique down.

Any tips or hints?


Answers: I'm fairly new to benching and when I bench I have a tendency to sway from side to side a bit. It's really hard for me to keep the bar balanced. I have the strength (I'm only benching the bar to start out), but I just can't get the technique down.

Any tips or hints?


Stay light, and move the bar slow. Most people do bench press to fast. You should have it under control all the time. If you go to fast you can break a rib. I've seen it happen several times. With a little time you will get the bar balanced. It sways because your muscles are not pulling together.

it depends on the bar. Make sure to lock in your shoulders, if you dont you will be wobbling. Keep ur core strong. (core is like ur abs region and a bit lower)

also on the bar, you should have a good grip too. This actually helped me bench an extra 15-20 pounds for my max rep. (currently 205)

get someone to spot you
and lightly hold the bar to guide it up correctly
or just try with just the bar really really slowly
its all about momentum, not going as fast as you can
you'll get it in no time.

quite often people have strength in the main muscle group ie machine press but the stabilizer muscles are weak becasue they are not used with fixed range of motion machines.

Get someone to spot for you so you have safety and keep at it the stabilizers will strengthen with use.

make sure your hands are the same distance apart on either side. Depending on how you're holding the bar, make sure your hands are straight up from your shoulders. Don't move them too far in or out.

your triceps prob arent developed enough yet. you use them to stablize and lift so if their a little weak you will shake. i would keep bench pressing. if you use a grip just wider than your shoulders you may get more control of the bar by puting more emphasis on your chest. you will eventully get where you can do it with no problem. same thing happened to me when i first started doing puships

its pretty simple, im in weight lifting club at my school. if your hands are even on the bar its easier to focus if you have two spots on the ceiling to line up with your hands. try it, it works for more people.

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