Can anyone please tell me what the best way is to put weight on??!

Question: Ok I am 25 and have all my life been underweight I weigh something like 7 stone 4 and am 5'4" in height. But I look very thin and bony, I hate it
I wear size 6 in clothing and I am constantly looking on the backs of foods to gain in the calories.
I hate being thin and would do anything to be bigger. I have never had a eating disorder.
I used to never eat breakfast and quite often skip lunch but eat a big dinner in the evenings. I realised this wasnt going to help me gain weight so now I make sure I eat breakfast, lunch & dinner. I eat huge portions as well.
I haven't really got a sweet tooth so find it hard to eat all of the fattening things. I also dislike takeaways and always cook from home so dont gain in the fattening foods that way. I also dislike fruit so am really put off by milkshakes and stuff like that.
Anything anyone can think of that can help me??

Answers: Ok I am 25 and have all my life been underweight I weigh something like 7 stone 4 and am 5'4" in height. But I look very thin and bony, I hate it
I wear size 6 in clothing and I am constantly looking on the backs of foods to gain in the calories.
I hate being thin and would do anything to be bigger. I have never had a eating disorder.
I used to never eat breakfast and quite often skip lunch but eat a big dinner in the evenings. I realised this wasnt going to help me gain weight so now I make sure I eat breakfast, lunch & dinner. I eat huge portions as well.
I haven't really got a sweet tooth so find it hard to eat all of the fattening things. I also dislike takeaways and always cook from home so dont gain in the fattening foods that way. I also dislike fruit so am really put off by milkshakes and stuff like that.
Anything anyone can think of that can help me??

you would be better eating 6 smaller meals than 3 big portions.what about drinking milk if you don,t like milkshakes,say 2 pints a day.

Eat high calorie snacks and don't exercise much.

You can get that stuff body builders use to bulk up

Eat a healthy balanced diet...regular portions at regular intervals...and I do mean eat it.

just don't do anything except eating

hi if you ever find the answer let me know. as i've been trying to put weight on since my teens without any success.

perhaps some of us are just meant to be this way

chocolates, rice cakes, meat, a lot of carbs......

one more, eat atleast six times a day...

I dont know if eating fatty foods would really help, because then you would just put on a gut, you probably want to atleast be proportionate. I would either suggest sucking it up and doing some kind of protien shake or yes, you could use the stuff body bilders use, like createne, but you still might want to work out, so you gain weight, but its muscle, not flab.
Good luck. Im pretty small myself, but i work out often and hopefully that will put on some weight, a little bulk.
differant things work for differant people.

Hey, I would say eating a lot of carbs like lots of bread. Shoo try eating

Hi Sharon. I too used to be like you. It didn't matter how much I ate I just couldn't put on weight. I was about the same height and weight as you. Unfortunately I don't have a magic answer for you. My aunt told me that all the women in the family started to put on weight at the age of 30. Well all I can tell you is that I had to wait until the age of 35. I believe my metabolism changed. Try to enjoy it while you can because if in the future you do put on weight you'll look back and say "Wasn't I lovely and slim back then".

i see you don't like milkshakes but build ups/complan?they do help with weight problems

You might want to start hitting the gym. Weight-lifting is a great way of adding lean muscle, and will give you a great toned look. I'm not saying to go hit the weights as hard as the male body-builders, but try maintaining a moderate strength training routine.

While you're doing this, continue to eat healthy and eat a hefty amount of proteins. Don't worry about developing any heart diseases or anything from eating too much meat; women tend to have a very low risk for heart problems before menopause. Still, you may want to eat mainly fowl and fish for protein.

i am 5 ft 6 and used to weigh 7 stone 4,i ate whenever and whatever i wanted and didn't put on a pound,some people are just built this way,my little girl is 8 and weighs 3 stone 8 and eats all the time literally and gains weight really slowly.I am now 10 stone after having two kids i put weight on,don't worry about it so long as you are eating properly it is just the way you are.

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