Is it better to eat 500 calories less, or burn 500 calories more exersising to l!

Question: If I want to take 500 calories daily off my body for a slow steady weight loss of 10 pounds?

Answers: If I want to take 500 calories daily off my body for a slow steady weight loss of 10 pounds?

Most people find it easier to eat 500 calories less each day then to burn 500 extra calories through exercise. It's hard to say if one of them is 'better' then the other one - that would depend more on your current diet and exercise routine.

If you are already eating healthy meals / reasonable portions and about two small snacks a day, then it's probably not that great of an idea to just cut 500 calories out of your diet. You may be able to reduce portion size a bit, but you don't want to make yourself hungry or cut meals / snacks out entirely. If you are overeating though, then dropping the 500 calories and eating a more healthy diet is a good idea especially if the 500 calories is in garbage food or in sugary drinks. Basically, if you cut the 500 calories by eating a salad for lunch instead of a Super-sized combo, that's absolutely a good idea.

In the long run though, burning 500 calories by exercising will have more good effects on your body. As a result of burning those calories, you will increase your metabolism and your muscle mass which will cause you to burn more calories throughout the day. Depending on how you burn the calories, you will improve your cardiovascular health, help fight bone loss, improve flexibility, build strength, even help your immune system.

However, if you are already doing a full workout adding enough additional exercise to burn 500 calories could strain and overtax your body. You don't want to overdo it and discourage yourself.

So look at what you eat, and the amount of exercise you do. If you aren't already in shape 500 calories is quite a bit to burn off in a day through exercise. You may find it's best to eat 250 calories less and exercise 250 calories more and get the best of both worlds.

500 calories per day translates to about a pound per week of true weight loss and is a healthy and sustainable rate. It's also about the biggest change in lifestyle I would recommend anyone making at a time...any more and you will probably feel hungry, sick, tired, or extremely sore.

I would do both.

both but eating less will give you faster results but you ill still have to exercise.

Burning calories through exercise is the better of the two. As well as burning the calories you are increasing your metobolic rate which means that the food you are eatingis broken down quicker. Also as muscle burns more energy than fat a continual exercise routine will asist in keeping the weight off.

Depends on how many calories you eat in a day and what your weight currently is. Track your calorie intake and if it is more than 2000 for a man then eat less. Also make sure you are working out enough. 30 minutes of intense workout 3x a week is good to maintain health. Cardio is good to lose fat and strength training is good to get good shape and increase metabolism.

It may be easier (and better overall) to combine the two ... eat 250 cals less and burn 250 cals more ...

Eating less is easier than burning the cals, but you don't want a drastic change to your body, as you body will simply try to make up for the large loss ... if you start lower (by combining) you will find it easier both on yourself and your body ...

Remember, 1 pound = 3500 cals, so you will need to do this for at least one week ...

Good luck!

the only reason to eat less is if you are over eating you want to stick to your 3 main meals a day and there is no reason why you shouldnt snack in between.
you are allways better off burning more calories than eating less.
the only thing about your eating is to eat healthy and you will want to stick to a low carb intake. carbohydrates are good for energy so it is allways good to eat something like and apple about 20 minuets before a work-out.
another thing that is very important isto have a nice and quick metabolism to improve your metabolism every morning have a glass of lemon juice, this will kick off your metabolism for the day and will help to digest food quicker so your food does not lag around and end up sitting somewhere with other fatty deposites.
so eat healthy, burn more calories and your on your way to successful weightloss.

I think eat a balance diet and then burn those calories i guarantee that u will see results very fast

I think that if it was just one or the other, I would choose the exercising just because muscle burns more calories at rest than fat. So not only will you feel better from exercising (releasing the endorphins and releaving stress) but you'll look better and be burning more calories...but I think that diet is an important part of fitness.

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