Is there such thing as "too much cardio" exercise?!

Question: I finally feel like I'm addicted to something that ISN'T bad for me, but is there a limit I should set?

Answers: I finally feel like I'm addicted to something that ISN'T bad for me, but is there a limit I should set?

Yes. there is.

If you cardio too much, you could experience negative effects.

First, you won't be able to burn off fat efficiently.

Second, instead of burning off fat, you strip off precious muscle which is bad bec a lesser amount of muscle means you would have lower metabolic rate which translates to lesser number of calories burned.

Do moderate amount of cardio exercise - 3-4 times per week for 30-60 mins per session, is more than enough. It's always not good to go beyond this threshold.

Here's a full insight into why over-cardio is bad:

Too much of anything or any one thing in excess can potentially be bad for you.

Watch your joints, keep some fat on you and keep hydrated. Consult with your Dr. and get regular blood and hormone panel testing to keep an eye on any underlying issues.

there is no such thing as long as your getting your correct calorie intake and protien! Just dont tire yourself out! Maybe you should set a limit or do cardio twice and day with lower limits ! good luck !

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