How long does it take for starvation to burn large amounts of fat?!

Question: How long do you need to starve yourself in order to burn large amounts of fat?
I've not eaten for 1 week 1 day and I was just wondering whether my body will be burning lots of fat yet, because I still look fat in the mirror.

Answers: How long do you need to starve yourself in order to burn large amounts of fat?
I've not eaten for 1 week 1 day and I was just wondering whether my body will be burning lots of fat yet, because I still look fat in the mirror.

Are you seeing a therapist?? If not you should be. Starving yourself never works and it can and will screw up you brain chemistry. Are you sleeping well? How's your energy level? You probably should be on some sort of anti-depressant-- which is something a professional could help you with. Even if you are overweight, you should never under any circumstance, starve yourself. One reason (which I believe is the least important) but may help dissuade you from starving yourself is this... When you do eat again - trust me you will- your body has now switched into survival mode and will store every calorie it can into fat. So now you have created a monster fat storing machine---
Here's a better idea why don't you start a food intake journal. Write down everything you eat and the number of calories consumed and just limit yourself to something like 1000 calories a day with a multi-vitamin and at least one gallon of water (daily). Exercise- it doesn't have to be anything major for 20-30 min. a day. You will burn much more fat this way than by starving yourself. By the way how old are you? With all of this said I truly do hope and pray that you recieve professional help from a therapist because just by what you've written above I have a feeling that you may be suffering from an eating disorder which is a nasty addictive disorder that can eventually kill you. I've worked with many girls who have had eating disorders-- it can sneek up on you and destroy your life. Be safe.

It doesn't matter.
Once you start eating, you'll gain it all back and then some in a heart beat.

Starving yourself is not the right way to go.

Starving yourself will not burn fat...If you starve yourself you bady will start eating off your muscles.

You need help.

It won't your body goes into "starvation mode" and stores all of your fat your muscle tissue will break down before tjhe fat. Do me a favor go to do the survey and eat sensibly and exercise this really is the best thing you can do. starving yourself can really hurt you.

What you are doing is counter productive to what you are trying to achieve.

Right now your metabolism is ridiculously slow, not to mention all the damage you are doing to yourself and your insides.

Instead, eat smaller meals every 2.5 to 3 hours to speed up your metabolism. Do cardio (if you don't workout, start tomorrow) at 60% to 70% of your maximum heart rate to lower your body fat.

u have an eating dissorder if you are doing that to yourself. Not eating will cause sooo many problems its not even funny. You can actually gain more weight from not eating because your metabolism slows down and you will lose muscle and definition making you look fatter.
The fastest way to lose weight is to eat a good breakfast every morning (fruit, cereal, bagel) and do cardio(running) for about 40 min 3x's a week. You will start to see drastic changes faster then you would if you starved yourself. You will also like the way you look a lot more by doing this.

It takes alot longer than that unfortunately. But if you eat absolutely NOTHING, then you might kill yourself. Because if you don't get at LEASt a certain amount of calories a day, you can develop heart arrythmias. The first thing ur body does aside from going into emergency mode and shutting down ur metabolism is, eats away at your muscle, followed by your fat.

You're not going to JUST end up skinny.

You're going to end up skinny/emaciated WITH immediate and lasting health problems, increased chances of death, screwed up stomach/metabolism, perhaps permanently, memory/consciousness problems/psychological problems, energy problems...all sorts of things.

So you're willing to make yourself extremely sick and die,

just to be skinny?

My god, get lyposuction if you're that desparate and some serious counseling,

because basically what you're SAYING here is,

you are becoming a concentration camp not eating in a week freak, going to such extremes,

just b/c you look fat in the mirror.


i agree with what people have answered you with, its not the way to go with starving your self cuz it ends wid bad consequences but you should live healthy and it would take time to lose weight the right way.

DO NOT DO IT THAT is unhealthy and can have adverse need to actually eat to burn calories, if you do not eat, your metabolism will basically shut down and you wont lose the weight you need to without looking unhealthy..this may sound odd or you may have heard it often and thought it was bs but eat 5-6 times daily but something that is low in calories and low in and do other cardio and add light weight training..i lost near 100 lbs really fast doing this

It is wrong way to start.

Eat only when hungry and not more than three times a day. Include plenty of vegetables and fruits in ur food. Eat slow, chewing each morsel at least 32 times. This activates ur body to send signals that u have enough. No snacks or drinks in between except water.

Take light exercises and walking for about 30 min every day preferably twice a day.

Be patient to see the results in hassle free mode in reasonable time.

LOL, Starving yourself isn't gonna "burn fat" Why don't you start eating healthy, Don't eat as much, Once you cut down on your food intake you'll get full faster without eating as much, You have to actually move around other wise your just gonna stay the same weight, You can get sick from not eating, I've tried the "starving" method, It doesn't work, Cutting down on what you eat, how many times you eat, what you eat, and exercising is gonna help the most and If you think not eating is gonna make you loose weight your sadly wrong.

YOUR BODY WILL HOLD ON TO ALL FAT. In this situation because it is in such a need for nutrients, it is in starvation mode. Please get help. You are not over weight or ugly. Please Please tell your mom

If your starving yourself, you are burning muscle not fat ? Your probably slowing down your metabolism, as well. Not good. Try the glycemic index diet. What you see in the mirror maybe incorrect. Measure yourself with a tape measure, determine your body fat percentage and take pictures of yourself before and after can even weight yourself.

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