AM I BULMIC? do i need help? ANSWERS PLEASE?!

Question: help.
i've been purging for about 2 months.
i've been trying for a while befor.
my one friend knows but i told her that i stopped.
i feel good when i purge.
and i force myself too even when im hurting.
i purge about 4 times a week.
im 5'0 ; 13 and 93 lbs.
i havent seen blood yet.
but i get tired really easily.
i want to tell the counslor but i relized i cant.
i d0nt know what to do, stop? i want to stop but i seem to cant.
in the middle of my purge i keep trying to force it out, large mouth fuls come out with the first two gags but then the third one it all comes out, this happens all the time. when im mad i go eat and purge.
i dont like hiding it, but i have too.

am i bulimic?
or no.

Answers: help.
i've been purging for about 2 months.
i've been trying for a while befor.
my one friend knows but i told her that i stopped.
i feel good when i purge.
and i force myself too even when im hurting.
i purge about 4 times a week.
im 5'0 ; 13 and 93 lbs.
i havent seen blood yet.
but i get tired really easily.
i want to tell the counslor but i relized i cant.
i d0nt know what to do, stop? i want to stop but i seem to cant.
in the middle of my purge i keep trying to force it out, large mouth fuls come out with the first two gags but then the third one it all comes out, this happens all the time. when im mad i go eat and purge.
i dont like hiding it, but i have too.

am i bulimic?
or no.

Yes, to answer your question, you are bulemic. The real question is why? Why do you feel you HAVE to hurt yourself and that you can't talk to anyone? What has happened in your life to distort your view? Let me give you some life experience from someone who's been there. I was bulemic from the time I was 14 until I was 16 (I'm 27 now). How I hid it from my family and friends I will never know. By the time I finally got help, I was 5'5, 16 years old and 98 lbs. I was in the hospital for 3 solid months and on feeding tubes for 1 1/2 of those months. The doctors flat out told my mom and dad that had I not been admitted I'd be dead in a month. My body was literatelly shutting down. My kidneys were failing, my heartbeat was irregular. I was essicentally dying on my feet. There are SERIOUS consequences to this and the effect are LONG TERM; just because you're not seeing anything right now does not mean that you're not damaging your body. The first thing you can look forward to is chronic bad breath due to the fact that you're throwing up undigested food and stomach acid. That's really going to make you fun to talk to. You can also look forward to your teeth chipping because along with serious bad breath, stomach acid also eats away at the enamle of your teeth causing them to look stained and break very easily. Along with that, be prepared to develop an irregular heartbeat because EVERYTIME you purge, your heart strains because of the stress and force behind the vomiting. That alone is enough to kill you, without warning. If that's not enough, consider loosing your hair. Because of the nutrients your body isn't receiving be prepared for it to begin falling out. You will have very thin, brittle hair. I'd be very surprised if this isn't already happening because that is one of the first visible side effects. Long term you're risking part of your stomach actually growing together, juvinelle osteoperosis, anemia and you could seriously damage your ability to have children when you're older. This is a REALLY DANGEROUS thing you're doing to your body, sweetheart. You need to talk to a counselor and don't say you can't. Obviously you're looking for help otherwise you wouldn't have posted your secret on this site. Talk to your doctor, they can't say anything to your parents (if you're worried about that) because of doctor patient confidentallity. Being a teenager is a confusing time and sometimes we don't always realize the damage we're doing to ourselves until it's too late; all in the name of fitting into someone elses defination of beautiful.

Yes, you are bulemic. I do believe that you already know this though, you just don't want to admit it. Please please tell your counsler, a teacher, a parent - someone who can help you before it gets completely out of control. trust me.

yes. get help. tell someone. now.

yes, it sounds as if you are. please seek some help. at 5 feet and 93 lbs you are already underweight. since you have only been doing this for 2 months you can still get better before it tafes over your life. eating disorders are psychological disorders so you may not be able to stop yourself from doing this. please get some outside help even the school counceled can help.

Yes. Bulemia. If you don't stop, your teeth are going to fall out. Why do you do this, do you want to lose weight. My 8 year old weight 81 pounds, she is 4'8 though. You should swim or something to stay fit, what you're doing is so bad for you.

Well you def have a problem and you should talk to someone about it. Do you do it because you want to be skinny? because purging has ALOT of bad side effects also. Like you get tired easily and you are mal nutritioned but also gross stuff like your breath will start to smell and the stomach acid starts to wear away at the enamel on your teeth. Your teeth will start to yellow and you hair will be really dull and eventually smell funny. Plus you're sick. Not eventually, you're sick now. Being sick isn't worth it, you should talk to someone. ANYONE. You never know what a good heart to heart can do for you.

You defenitly have an eating disorder. Purging is very unhealthy and can kill you. I have suffered from anorexia and bulimia for five years now. I started off purging like once a week, soon enough it became five times a day. Its addicting just like anything else. If you dont quit now,you'll end up in the hospital for ever and miss christmas and your birthday because you started something stupid. Its a disease. Its not something to mess around with. I was hospitalized twice for my ED. It consumed me, It was a living hell. I lived for it. Please dont start. It will KILL YOU!

Bulimia is defined as an eating disorder that is characterized by episodic binge eating, followed by feelings of guilt, depression, and self-condemnation. Self-induced vomiting is the most commonly associated reaction to bulimia, which means you are definitely bulimic.

It is not likely that you will be able to stop by yourself; whatever is preventing you from seeing a counselor, work it out. If you are embarrassed, know that you are not the only one.

This is a serious threat to your health and overall well-being--but I believe that even putting this on Yahoo answers is a very good start to quitting. Keep it up.

yes, you are bulimic. i understand its hard to tell someone, but its good that you came on here to ask. if you dont know where to start to tell someone, try writing out how the convorsation should go, or write a letter to an adult you trust. untill you able work up the courage to do this, try puking less. i know it sounds hard or even impossible, but atleast write down in a notebook an emotion discribing why you puked that pacticular time. this will help you come to understand this. i read this book, and i think it may help you:
hope this helps,
ps. i understand that a long list of everything in your body that will be messed up by this, doesnt help. so i didnt give it to you, but i will tell you that alot of things will go wrong in the future as a result of this.

uhh yea u are. it is not good for u. you can get really sick and it can kill u. if you need anyone to talk to e mail me. i did the same stuff u just need some support.

How about you are a troll because you just joined and this is like your first question. Nice try.

You have asked this SAME question six times!


its going to be hard but you have to tell your parents what you are doing they might be mad at first but they will be happy that you confronted them with this and they can get you the help you need but tell someone that you are doing this before it gets worse

When you purposely vomit your food then your bulimic. The best way to do this is to talk to a counselor. Your 13, so there should be someone at your school that you can anonymously talk to with out anyone knowing. It's not healthy to do that. Don't hide it. It's only going to get worse if you don't talk to somebody about because if your friend finds out that you lied to her, she'll be more disappointed if you didn't talk to someone than if you did.

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