Swimming? PLZ HLP!!!?!

Question: Swimming!? PLZ HLP!!!!?
I am 5'9 132 pounds 15 and female!. How many calories should i burn swimming for about an hour!? Doing laps and just swimming around!.

Oh and how long should it take to get down to 120 pounds or less on a 1,000 calorie diet!?

If you're going to be swimming for an hour, less than 1,000 calories isn't going to give you enough energy!. Go with at least 1,200 calories a day, and keep up with the swimming!.
The swimming for one hour will burn 440 calories if you're swimming at a moderate pace, or 630 if you're swimming at a faster pace!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Wow! OK Your 5'9'' and 132, did you know that you are already UNDERWEIGHT!. The idea weight for your height is:

Ideal Weight Calculation:

According to your height of 5' 9" your ideal healthy weight is 152 pounds!. Your recommended weight range is between 135 and 168 pounds!.

This was calculated using Hamwi formula, a simple formula commonly used by many clinicians!.

These are recommended weights!. Talk with your doctor about what weight is best for you and before undertaking any new diet or exercise programs!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

here's a calculator that will give you a rough idea on how many calories you'll burn!.!.!.but, it all depends on intensity!.


if i was you, i wouldn't cut that many calories out!. start by reducing your maintainance calories by 500 and eating properly!. meaning, no sugar, fried foods, cheese, fatty foods or junk foods like cereal, chips, etc!. running is also a great form of cardio!.!.!.so is jump rope!. just fyi!. mix those up with the swimming and the reduced calories and proper diet and you should be able to drop a couple pounds a week in a healthy way!. you'll probably see more than that come off at first, and that's just gonna be water retention!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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