Is there a way to change your metabolism??!


Is there a way to change your metabolism??

So you won't lose 20 pounds after a month of housekeeping with poor lunch hours?

Let me explain. I am a 22yr old with an extremely high metabolism that I'm very skinny. I used to weigh 120 ibs until I got a job as a housekeeper at a hotel and the workers never tell you when they have their lunch break and it's over when they're finished(they're fat and fast food eaters).

So in that month I lost 15 ibs just because I couldn't eat lunch. Even if I did eat lunch I'd get a low blood sugar attack. No I'm not diabetic it's just that sandwiches don't cut it for me. Not even peanut butter and jelly.


I don't have a job anymore because it's hard to find a job with realistic lunch hours and it takes me forever to eat because of swallowing problems.


First, you need to go to an endocrinologist and have all your blood levels checked. They will be able to tell you if you have a thyroid problem etc. because to me it sounds like you have a hyperthyroid. They will be able to perscribe medicine to help with the weight loss. Also, if you are not able to take a long lunch make it at night and bring it with you like a pb&J that doesnt need to be stored in a fridge. At least until you can grab something else. For you to say that you dont have enough time to eat is ridiculous and if your employer doesnt give you at least an hour lunch in an 8 hour day that is illegal. But will lose weight if you dont eat period. If you have to bring a meal suppliment shake with you and drink that until you can grab something.! good luck

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