Bench pressing techniques...?!


Bench pressing techniques...?

i'm 14 and have really long arms so bench pressing is difficult enough for me. i'm not looking to be a body builder at all i'm just toning up for football, but the weight's really gonna start to matter soon. just some techniques to make it more comfortable and possibly boost my weight would be appreciated. thanks.

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4 days ago
(bench isn't all i do, i do a full fledged workout working every muscle group of my body essentially. it just seems as if the only thing coaches care about is bench.)


i have the same problem. i got long arms too. it's awkward to do bench presses without a wide grip. i usually lay and grab the bar where it's comfortable and then add the weights loosly and just put a collar at the end of the bar in case of failure of what not. then my hands will keep the from sliding in, and thet usually don't move all that much to worry about.

BTW, if you love doing bench as much as i did back then, do it all the time. you'll keep that nice chest for YEARS afterward and all you'll need to keep it up is basic maintenance. The girls love it!

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