Healthy eating + exercise = not fun, how can i make it easier?!


Healthy eating + exercise = not fun, how can i make it easier?

I want to be healthy healthy, i do care about my health i just find the food so boring! I love my sweets :( Any ideas doe healthy YUM food?

Also want to tighten up my tummy area and chin area...what are some fun excersies?
Im not fat, i just want to be fitter .

I want to drink heaps of water too but i have the weakest bladder and if i drink a bottle of water i wont stop peeing! Seeming im out and about alot i cant be busting all the time ARGH..any adivce/tips/hints?
Thanks !

Additional Details

4 days ago
Also what about some healthy snack food? Thanks Guys!


Drink heaps of water, your bladder will adjust over time to emptying when it's more full. I haven't found much other than crunches to tighten up the tummy area, I like to do them on a ball though, it adds that extra little bit of balance which makes it a little more difficult & I think more interesting. I also like to do my crunches in the mirror, for some reason that makes it more bearable than just being in the middle of a room crunching away. I have found a renewed interest in vegetables by eating them plain, I know ... boring and lame but I have noticed the taste of the different vegetables more that way. Now when I eat them in a salad it's more interesting because I feel like I can taste them more. There is no salad that tastes better than the one prepared by somebody else, try eating salad at a restaurant, and try eating one with gargonzola or feta cheese or something else that you don't normally eat or haven't had in a while. Fill your fridge with fruit, it's a great time of year for fruit, but put in on the shelf not in the drawer, you're much more likely to eat it if you can see it. One more thing, if you work out at home or if you can manage it you can fit in a nice long work out with minimal boredom while watching a movie. It really helps my husband when he does a 40 minute treadmill program while watching a movie, the program is done long before the story is over sometimes he does another 20 or 30 minutes.

If you really want to increase your interest in eating fruit and vegetables, grow them yourself. That's a little more long term but I am much more likely to eat a vegetable that I grew than one I bought at the store. That's how I got started eating plain frut and vegetables in the first place; my tomatoes. And I wasn't even a big tomato fan.

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