How can I maximize my results when combining a heavy weight-lifting routine with!


How can I maximize my results when combining a heavy weight-lifting routine with a heavy cardio routine?

My usual weight-lifting workout consists of about 1-2 hours then I immediately do 1 hour of cardio. I've done this for close to a year now and have seen definite results but I know I could probably see more if I changed things up a little bit...

I don't take any supplemental protein or anything like that but I know I'm losing some possible muscle gain by doing that much cardio directly after that much weights. Would it be a good idea to invest in protein shakes and take one after I finish my weight lifting workout (before I start my cardio) or should I just try to break my workouts up so that I only do one at a time (i.e.gym twice a day, once for weights/once for cardio)?

A lot of people say I'm crazy working out that much but I used to be pretty big...I went from 280 to 215 and put on a bunch of muscle in the process of losing all that fat. I want to continue losing fat and gaining muscle but i know its going to take more work.

Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks a lot!


Dude, you do that much weight lifting and don't take shakes? You have to. They aren't even expensive and you'll see much greater results.

One hour of cardio right after weight lifting is a little too much, your burning muscle. Everyone loses muscle when they lose weight, but your losing a lot of muscle. Try to keep it at 30 minutes after a workout. Dont do cardio more than 4x a week and dont weight lift everyday, 6 days max a week.

I would shorten my workouts to an hour but make them more intense.

You've done very well losing weight, 65 pounds is a lot, wow good job bro. Most people cant even lose 5 pounds, lol.

Just keep up the good work and get a whey protein shake to take after your workout. Some people take casein protein at night and whey/casein mix in the morning. I wouldnt take so much if your still trying to cut weight. Just get whey for after workouts and get some amino acid capsules (dont get tablets) and take them in the morning and night.

Also dont forget your daily vitamins and EFA's.

If you want more info, checkout and (click on left link and then goto the forums, its a link on the top right i think). They have a lot of good info about bodybuilding, cardio, and diet.

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