Gotta lose 35 lbs!! What is the FASTEST and SAFEST way to lose the FAT??!!?!

Question: Gotta lose 35 lbs!! What is the FASTEST and SAFEST way to lose the FAT!?!?!!!?
The must useful advice I have ever received on this subject is this (a doctor told me): gaining or losing weight !. Is a question of simple (but iron-willed) arithmetic: eat more calories than your body burns = weight gin; eat less calories than your body burns = weight loss!. No herb, no chemical, no natural remedy can change this!. There are three things a person can do to burn more calories than a person eats: (1) avoid high calorie foods (2) eat foods that require your body to burn a lot of calories to digest the food, and (3) exercise at least thirty minutes every day!. Pay special attention to (1) and (2): some foods (carbohydrates, especially white flour, rice, fruit juice, and popcorn) are almost pure calories and require almost no energy for your body to digest them, therefore if you eat a lot of them, it is very difficult to burn more calories than you are taking in (alos carbohydrates are so inexpensive that a person who likes to eat carbohydrates has many opportunities to do so each day); some foods like proteins and fats (meat, nuts, dairy products) often have a high number of calories, but they cause your body (your stomach especially) to burn a sufficient number of calories to digest the food that it is not difficult to maintain a net gain of zero calories when you eat them (also, meat, nuts and dairy products are relatively expensive so it is not especially hard to avoid over indulging); fruits and vegetables are the best of both worlds, they are low in calories and your body has to work hard to digest them, so quite often with fruits and vegetables, simply by eating the food (cantaloupe, carrots, celery, broccoli) you are actually losing calories because your body burns more energy digesting the food than you take in!. The effect of avoiding carbs and eating meat and veggies is NOT SMALL byt the way - eating a lot of meat, (non-fat) milk, cheese, fruits and vegetables TOTALLY works!. I noticed a significant difference beginning to occur in about two weeks!. But you also want to raise your basal metabolic rate so that your whole body is burning a lot of calories even when you are doing nothing!. To do this all you need to do is go for a thirty minute walk each day!. Pay attention to the

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