HELP ME! assistance needed. very serious!?!


HELP ME! assistance needed. very serious!?

how can i stop eating so much crap? i'm gaining alot of weight this summer cause i dont get out of the house! what do i do?


Well, I think you answered your own need to get out of the house. Or if you don't want to leave the house get a workout video and do a short workout everyday in the privacy of your living room.

If you're unhappy with your weight gain, only you can do something about it. Your actions (or inaction in this case) are directly reflected by your body. There is no special pill, or healthy way to lose weight quickly (read in 1-2 weeks). You must work at it EVERY DAY for the REST OF YOUR LIFE. There is no excuse for gaining weight when you recognize the only problem is that you eat poorly and don't exercise.

Start eating healthier foods, I usually buy a while bunch of fruit and veggies at the beginning of the week, cut everything up and put it into tupperware dishes in the fridge, that way whenever I get hungry, I don't have to grab an instant "fat-snack" I can grab a small dish of veggies or fruit and sate my appetite. And don't drink soda, even diet soda, the carbonation leads to lower bone density and decreased general health overall. You'll find as you exercise (and lose weight in the process) your body won't crave those sweets or high fat foods, your body wants healthy foods, lots of vitamins and pure simple water.

You must control your diet and especially exercise. And it is controllable, you can do it! Think of the long term effects on your body, you can be healthier and more energetic!

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