Is there any way to make only my hips wider?!


Is there any way to make only my hips wider?

I want wider hips![I'm fourteen so no plastic surgery crap.]Is there any food or something that actually makes you gain more weight to your hips? Yes, I understand it will show in my stomache too but, if it gains more in my hips I'd be cool with that.

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1 week ago
I also heard bread would pack it in that area.

1 week ago
Potatoes too...I think it was the butt/thigh area...


Actually, eating more won't make your hips wider! The fat will just gather in the belly, the thighs or sometimes the chests! And, just like the chests, we cannot increase much the size of our hips. Only one way to do that, it's to wear clothes that "emphasize" the upper part of you body! Anyway, you're just 14, and still in puberty. Maybe your hips will be wider in just one or two years! And, don't ever think of surgery, my friend, it's kind of dangerous!

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