How to loose 10 pounds or less?!


How to loose 10 pounds or less?

Iam a 15 year old boy and I weigh 155 pounds. Iam trying to loose 10 pounds in three weeks. You got any tips?


Well losing weight can be hard, but it could be easy depending on what you do.

Eat lots of fruits and veggies and a little meat everyday.
Stay away from sugary snacks, candy, icecream, salty foods and chlosteral.

You should run a couple of neigborhoods and workout in gyms. If you have treadmill USE IT

Don't eat unless you're really really hungry.
Lot's of people eat for the sake of eating or because there angry or upset. It isn't healthy

You should try to do PLENTY of sports and altheltic activies.

I've started doing this 3 weeks ago and have already lost 5 pounds.

I hope this helped you :)

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