So my sister is bugging me about weight loss?!


So my sister is bugging me about weight loss?

idk what to tell her
she is 13 and 1/2
weighs 161
and is 5 foot 4
she needs to lose weight
what is the best methods
does pilates work for toning


Firstly, never ever tell a 13 year old (or anyone else for that matter) that they should lose weight. It does nothing but shatter their self esteem. What you should do is lead by example and let her know with actions how great you're feeling because you're being healthy and active. Buy healthy meals to bring home (low sodium salads/grilled chicken, etc.), and invite her for walks or swims, or get her a gym membership and tell her you want a buddy to have fun with at the gym. You can go to fun classes together like yoga or kickboxing. Words go in one ear, and out the other, and sometimes have nasty side effects. Actions speak SO much louder, and that way she won't have that constant voice in her head telling her she "needs" to lose weight. Trust me, been there, done that, and I know for sure that it's generally detrimental to tell a teen or child that they should lose weight. Good luck, and remember to keep it fun. :o)

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