How to do JUMPTHROUGH in Ashtanga Yoga practice?!


How to do JUMPTHROUGH in Ashtanga Yoga practice?

From Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog) you're supposed to be able to jumpthrough into a seated position. When I try this, my feet can only jump as far as my hands. Are my arms too short relative to my legs for this action?


It's not about arm length. Here are a few tips:

1. cup your hands so that you are on all five fingertips.

2. Put your weight on your fingers, bend you knees and look forward

3. Keep your arms straight as you jump through and think about where your butt is going to land instead of focusing on where your feet will land.

4. once you have started the jump, get your legs straight and keep them high. Don't let them drop until your butt is up by your hands. Then, set your butt, legs, and feet down all at the same time.

Hope this helps! For me, it was really about picturing where I was going to land that did the trick.

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