HELP!!! I put ICY-HOT on my back?!


HELP!!! I put ICY-HOT on my back?

but its not working! I am also using a heat pad but nothing is taking away my pain.....

my lower back is killing me!


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1 week ago
OK, I've got tennis balls and I've got pillows and I'm going to try all of your suggestions!

Thanks people!!!! This pain MUST end! I cant take it anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!


First, try and calm down. Panic is only going to make it worse. Second, stop putting heat on it. Heat can aggravate a back ache and increase inflammation. If nothing is working, why ARE you putting heat on it? It may feel good while you're using it but goes back to feeling bad when you're done and that sounds like a pattern of inflammation. A good rule of thumb is never to use heat in the first 24 hrs, it can make it worse.
If you want immediate relief, you should put an ice pack on it. Ice will numb it after 5 to 7 minutes and you should start to feel some relief very quickly. It's those first few minutes that are a bit uncomfortable. The next question is WHY do you have a back ache? Sports? Menstrual pain? If it's non-athletic it could be water retention, it could be anything. If you're letting it get you down, that's another problem.
Try and stay away from pills, it's a bad habit to get into. Once you start, you could get a backache just from not being on pills. What's the matter? That's the main thing. How often do you do this? Have you ever done it before? Is there anything you're doing differently than usual? Slow down, think about it. You need time to think this through. Don't rush into anything. It'll be all right.

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