Stubborn fat on lower stomach won't go away!?!


Stubborn fat on lower stomach won't go away!?

I used to have a pudgy stomach. After doing a billion crunches all of the fat went away except for some on the lower part of my stomach. I really need this fat to go away because I'm going to the beach this summer with a another family and one of their daughters is hot. I know it's a stupid reason but just any tips on helping me burn this fat would be appreciated.

P.S. I can't afford liposuction (not that I would get it anyway, theres not THAT much fat ) or anything expensive, I'm in my teens.


The only way to truly get rid of fat is to burn more calories than you consume. Lots of men (myself included) are predisposed to carrying the majority of their fat on their stomach and lower back, creating the "spare tire" effect, even if their overall body fat percentage is very low.

So the only way to get rid of fat in a specific part of the body is to reduce your body's overall fat level. Start doing some moderate to vigorous cardiovascular exercise every day if you haven't already, and count calories when you eat so that you're not taking in more than 2000 daily, and try and get those calories from high fiber and high protein sources: chicken, fish, fruit, vegetables (rather than fried and starchy burgers and fries, pasta, etc.). Avoid refined sugar in sodas and sweets especially, as these really mess with your body's ability to properly burn fat and carbs.

Weight and fat loss, if done healthily, takes time. If you're going to the beach this summer, you're talking about a time frame of just a few weeks which isn't very long, so here's a few tips to make your stomach look a bit flatter too while you're in the process of losing the weight:

1.) Don't crunch as much. It gives nice definition, but you're actually building up the muscles behind the fat rather than burning it off. So crunches may actually force the lowest part of your abdomen to look larger until you've burned off the extra weight. Plus, a lot of "getting cut" and getting good muscle tone is just about getting that excess fat off'd be surprised how defined most six packs are without crunches if there's not fat on them.

2.) Stand up straight with good posture when you walk, and don't slouch. This will prevent your abdomen from "rolling down" on itself and making you look heavier. If you're lying down, lie flat rather than supported on your elbows.

3.) Wear lower riding swim trunks. High riding swim trunks "pinch" the waist in a way so that abdominal fat spills over the waistline, making things look worse. With low riding trunks, you give a better illusion of a straight up and down profile.

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