Getting rid of fat spots?!


Getting rid of fat spots?

I lost alot of weight recently through doing lots of exercise but it seems as though I lose fat every BUT my butt. Im now 5'9" 135lbs so by no means fat but I cant seem to get rid of the fat in that one spot (I just get thinner elsewhere). Does anyone have any tips? Is there a way to spot reduce?


From what I have heard from fitness experts, you cannot control where your body gains or loses weight -- that is controlled by your genes. You can do toning exercises that add more muscle to certain areas, and that extra muscle tone can help reduce any undesired flabbiness. If you are 5'9" and 135 lbs., you are by no means overweight, and I'm sure you look great. Learn to love your nice curvy bottom, listen to "Baby Got Back" a few times, and laugh at the women who have to buy the undergarments with the padded rears.

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