Muscle definition?!


Muscle definition?

What is a good way to get better muscle definition. Because I work out every other day and run alot. But I dont really seem to have any muscle definition at all. any advice appreciated.


To be able to see your muscles better, you will need to lower your body fat percentage.

To be more ripped or have more muscle definition you need to lower your bodyfat percentage to something like 8% or so. On average most males have a bf% of 12-16%.

You need to first calculate your bf%. To do this you can go the easy but more inaccurate route and calculate it online.

Fill in the fields and calculate your percentage.

For a more accurate result you need to buy an Accu-measure Body Fat Caliper.
You can buy these at your local GNC.

Then when you have all this, to lower your bodyfat and remove the thin layer of fat covering your muscles and hiding the definition, you need to have a proper diet and exercise.

Eating cleaner has a large affect on fat loss, and becoming more ripped and seeing more definition on your body.

Remember that you need to eat cleaner, 6-8 meals a day, drink lots of water, and create a calorie deficit to burn fat. This means burn more calories a day then you're eating.

Remember to do cardio at least 3 days a week (more preferably) and keep lifting weights! If you do both on the same days, lift before you do your runs or other forms of cardio.

Good luck!

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