How do i get chizzled?!


How do i get chizzled?

i am a fit athletic guy of 16. i am not however, chizzled, and dont have abs. i was wondering what excersizes i could do to get a chizzled body and abs, not too muscular and without going to a gym or using a home gym workout system?

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1 week ago
like how often a day? week? should i do hese exercizes?

1 week ago
i have a 18-22% body fat. so i just have to run and burn calories?


You probably already have the abs you want to see, they are just sitting below a layer of fat. What is your body-fat percentage?

No matter how many sit-ups and crunches you do, if you have a layer of body fat there you will never see your 6 pack. So the only answer, and I hate to admit this, is cardio. You have to burn those calories to reduce your body-fat percentage to show off that six-pack.

In my experience abs don't start to show until you break below 6-8% body fat.

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